Love Kills Porn.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Battlemaster Lotus Praxis, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. SONofVEnus

    SONofVEnus Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your kind words Battlemaster Lotus Praxis. Any kind word in a situation I am in right now means the world to me.......
    And, yes, I too, needed 38 years, to realize, that I want to discover TRUTH fully, completely.... First within myself.

    Take care, man

  2. Porn tycoons, I AM YOUR ENEMY. Best heed these words and understand your reign of inhumanity has neared its end.

    Fellow users, please know I love you all and understand this thread is a battle camp for the War that is coming.

    Last edited: Mar 4, 2016

  3. [​IMG]

    'This movement is a revolution for love. We’re taking the meaning of love back from the cheap, counterfeit versions that are being peddled in our unsuspecting society. Join the Fight by raising your voice and reposting this pic! Let’s flood social media with this image! Show the world that you are proud to be a member of this revolution!'

    Sign up and take a peaceful, brave, and loving stand for what you believe in while the warriors gear up, gather intel, and prepare for war:

    Last edited: Mar 2, 2016
  4. Porn Sucks. Level up in life. Take back your humanity. Never view porn ever again. (If you don't want to or are not ready to quit fapping at least switch to erotica if you are serious about quitting porn forever and no longer supporting the exploitation and destruction of human beings participating in acts of prostitution on camera). In my experience completely giving up masturbation and fantasy entirely and solely expressing your sexuality with a loving partner is the ultimate solution.


    Enough said.

  5. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

    beautiful artworks. What is that campaign btw?
    I believe only porn but any other addictions caused by the disconnection between ourselves, our partners, our people, our world, our life.
  6. Great band :). I lost interest in them a few years ago but admire their talent.

    Fight the New Drug.

    Here are 2 videos about them:

    And another great one on how warped people's views of sex are becoming:

    I have seen things that have shown me just how dangerous this industry is in the ways it subtly and not so subtly influences all of society. I mean as if a twisted view of sex and relationships isn't bad enough, I've seen things you could deem as 'prophetic' about the world and future of certain nations that are quite disturbing. This is why I am so fervent in encouraging people to change asap, for the sake of the world and my country, this goes beyond mere porn addiction and is on the scale of nations collapsing.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2016
    vulture175 likes this.
  7. Alright, whew, back to Earth and one last post for the day.

    'Pornography and sex trafficking are inseparably connected. The majority of trafficked women are forced to do porn. Clicking it is supporting it. Stop the demand.'


  8. People Are Not Parts


    'Research shows that porn users have a much higher tendency to objectify those around them. Not cool. People are people. Not parts.'

    SONofVEnus likes this.
  9. Today's double dose of truth:

    'Fight the New Drug is pro-love, pro-committed relationships, and anti-porn. Be a lover and a Fighter.'


    I will not post more than a handful of times in this thread daily. Just trying to get caught up with my own recovery and there is alot of catching up to do hence the overload of current activity in this thread :)

  10. Today's triple dose of truth (based on the unchanging, eternal laws of the universe):

    'Porn warps ideals and perceptions of real love. Porn is the love killer. We’re here to Fight it.'


    'How can you Justify
    All the lives you fucked up?
    Show me the “truth”
    And I’ll show you the cover up
    Sick to my stomach
    Sick of the lies
    ‘Cause everything you touch
    Curls up and dies

    Strong arming weak minds
    Tell me how can you sleep at night, alright?
    Pretty well I’m sure, trust me you’ll get your turn
    Before you watch the world burn

    Your profit My coffin
    What’s left for the rest of us?
    Your profit My coffin
    Sick dead and dumb but it’s okay ‘cause
    Your profit My coffin
    What’s left for the rest of us?
    Your profit My coffin
    A sacrifice for the new gods

    Planting caskets, like seeds
    Laid to waste with the worms, the weeds
    White lies on the labels we read
    Fine print felons, down with the dying breed

    Your profit My coffin
    What’s left for the rest of us?
    Your profit My coffin
    Sick dead and dumb but it’s okay ‘cause
    Your profit My coffin
    What’s left for the rest of us?
    Your profit My coffin
    A sacrifice for the new gods

    Helpless - Crucified
    Tell me, How can you Justify?

    A sacrifice for the new gods
    What’s left for the rest of us?

    Your profit My coffin
    What’s left for the rest of us?
    Your profit My coffin
    Sick dead and dumb but it’s ok ‘cause
    Your profit My coffin
    What’s left for the rest of us?
    Your profit My coffin
    A sacrifice for the new gods'
  11. Self improvement reading of the week The Life Triumphant, the following is an excerpt:

    Energy and Power

    How wonderful is the universal energy! Never-tiring, inexhaustible, and apparently eternal in its operation, it moves in atom and in star, informing the fleeting shapes of tune with its restless, glowing, pulsating power.

    Man is a portion of this creative energy, and in him it manifests, through a combination of mental faculties, as affection, passion, intelligence, morality, reason, understanding, and wisdom. He is not merely a blind conductor of energy, but he consciously uses, controls, and directs it. Slowly, but with certainty, is he gaining control of the forces without, and is making them do obedient service. And just as surely will he gain control of the forces within—the subtle energies of thought—and direct them into channels of harmony and happiness.

    Man's true place in the Cosmos is that of a king, not a slave, a commander under the law of Good and not a helpless tool in the reign of Evil. His own body and mind are the dual dominion over which he is to reign, a Lord of Truth, the master of himself, the wise user and controller of his store of pure, eternal, creative energy. Let him walk the earth unashamed, strong, valiant, tender, and kind; no longer prostrate in self-abasement, but walking erect in the dignity of perfect manhood; not groveling in selfishness and remorse, nor crying for pardon and mercy, but standing firm and free in the sublime majesty of a sinless life.

    Long has man regarded himself as vile, weak, and unworthy, and has been content to remain so. But in the new era which has just now burst upon the world, he is to make a glorious discovery that he is pure, powerful, and noble when he rises up and wills. The rising up is not against any outward enemy; not against neighbor, nor governments, nor laws, nor spirits, nor principalities, but against the ignorance, folly, and misery which beset him in the dominion of his own mind. For it is only by ignorance and folly that man is slavish; by knowledge and wisdom his kingdom is restored.

    Let them who will, preach man's weakness and helplessness, but I will teach his strength and power. I write for men, not for babes; for those who are eager to learn, and earnest to achieve; for those who will put away (for the world's good) a petty personal indulgence, a selfish desire, a mean thought, and live on as though it were not, without craving and regret. The Truth is not for the frivolous and the thoughtless. The Life Triumphant is not for triflers and loiterers.

    Man is a master. If he were not, he could not act contrary to law. Thus his so-called weakness is an indication of strength; his sin is the inversion of his capacity for holiness. For what is his weakness and sin but misdirected energy, misapplied power? In this sense, the wrongdoer is strong, not weak; but he is ignorant, and exerts his strength in wrong directions instead of right, against the law of things instead of with it.

    Suffering is the recoil of misdirected strength; the bad man becomes good by reversing his conduct. If you are weeping over your sins, cease to commit those sins and establish yourself in their opposing virtues. It is thus that weakness is converted into strength, helplessness into power, and suffering into bliss. By turning his energies from the old channels of vice, and directing them into the new channels of virtue, the sinner becomes a saint.

    While the universal energy may be unlimited, in particular forms its sum is strictly limited. A man is possessed of a given amount of energy, and he can use it or misuse it, can conserve and concentrate it, or dissipate and disperse it. Power is concentrated energy; wisdom is that energy adapted to beneficent ends. He is the man of influence and power who directs all his energies towards one great purpose, and patiently works and waits for its fulfillment, sacrificing his desires in other and more pleasant directions. He is the man of folly and weakness who, thinking chiefly of pleasure, gratifies the desire of the hour, or follows the whim and impulse of the moment, and so drifts thoughtlessly into peevishness and poverty of mind.

    The energy used in one direction is not available for use in other directions; this is a universal law both in mind and matter. Emerson calls it "the law of compensation." Gain in a given direction necessitates loss in its opposite direction. The force placed in one scale is deducted from the other scale. Nature is always endeavoring to strike a balance. The energy which is dissipated in idleness is not given to work. The pleasure-seeker cannot also be a Truth-seeker.

    The force wasted in a fit of bad temper is drawn from the man's store of virtue, particularly the virtue of patience. Spiritually, this law of compensation is the law of sacrifice. Selfish pleasure must be sacrificed if purity is to be gained; hatred must be yielded up if love is to be acquired; vice must be renounced if virtue is to be embraced.

    Earnest men soon discover that if they are to accomplish anything that is successful, strong, and enduring, in worldly, intellectual, or spiritual channels, they must curb their desires, and sacrifice much that seems sweet; yea, even much that seems important.
    Hobbies, bodily and mental indulgences, enticing companionships, alluring pleasures, and all work that does not tend to some central purpose in his life must be sacrificed by the man of strong resolve. He opens his eyes to the fact that time and energy are strictly limited, and so he economizes the one and concentrates the other.

    Foolish men waste their energies in swinish ease and gluttonous indulgence, in frivolous pleasures and empty talk, in hateful thoughts and irritable outbursts of passion, in vain controversy and meddlesome interference. They then complain that many are more "fortunately equipped than they are for a useful, successful, or great life, and they envy their honored neighbor who has sacrificed self to duty, and has devoted all his energies to the faithful performance of the business of his life.

    "He who is just, speaks the truth, and does what is his own business, him the world will hold dear." Let a man attend to his own business, concentrating all his energies upon the perfect accomplishment of the task of his life, not stepping aside to condemn or interfere with the duties of others, and he will find life simple, strong, and happy.

    The universe is girt with goodness and strength, and it protects the strong and the good. Evil and weakness are self-destructive. Dissipation is annihilation. All nature loves strength. I see no inherent cruelty in "the survival of the fittest." It is a spiritual as well as a natural law. The stronger qualities of the beast are the fittest to evolve a higher type. The nobler moral qualities in man are his emancipators, and it is well that they should dominate and ultimately crush out the ignoble tendencies.

    Most certain it is that he who gives dominion to the lower, courts destruction, and does not survive, either in the struggle of life without or the battle of Truth within. The life given to the lower is lost to the higher; yea, it is finally lost also to the lower, and so all is lost, for evil is ultimately nothingness. But the life given to the higher is preserved, and is not lost to anything, for, while it sacrifices much that the world holds precious, it does not sacrifice anything that is precious in reality.

    The untrue and worthless must perish, and he who consecrates himself to the good and the true is content that they should perish, and so at last he stands where sacrifice ends, and all is gain—such a one survives in the struggle of life without, and he conquers in the battle of Truth within.

    First, then, be strong. Strength is the firm basis on which is built the temple of the Triumphant Life.

    Without a central motive and fixed resolve, your life will be a poor, weak, drifting, unstable thing. Let the act of the moment be governed by the deep abiding purpose of the heart. You will act differently at different times, but the act will not be wrong if the heart is right. You may fall and go astray at times, especially under great stress, but you will quickly regain yourself, and you will grow wiser and stronger, thereby, so long as you guide yourself by the moral compass within, and do not throw it away to gratify indulgence and give yourself up to uncertain drifting.

    Follow your conscience. Be true to your convictions. Do at the moment what you regard as right, and put away all procrastination, vacillation, and fear. If you are convinced that in the performance of your duty under certain circumstances the severest measures are necessary, carry out those measures, and let there be no uncertainty about it. Err on the side of strength rather than weakness. The measures you adopt may not be the best, but if they are the best you know, then your plain duty is to carry them out. By so doing you will discover the better way, if you are anxious for progress, and are willing to learn. Deliberate beforehand, but in the tune of action do not hesitate.

    Avoid anger and stubbornness, lust and greed. The angry man is the weak man. The stubborn man, who refuses to learn or mend his ways, is the foolish man. He grows old in folly, and grey hairs do not bring him reverence or honor. The sensualist has energy for pleasure only, and reserves none for manliness and self-respect. The greedy man is blind to the nobility of human nature and the glory of a true life; he spends his energies in perpetuating the miseries of hell, instead of enjoying the happiness of heaven.

    Your strength is with you, and you can spend it in burrowing downward or in climbing upward. You can dissipate it in selfishness or conserve it in goodness. The same energy will enable you to become a beast or a god. The course along which you direct it will determine its effect. Do not think the thought, "My mind is weak," but convert weakness into strength, and energy into power by redirecting your mental forces. Turn your thoughts into noble channels. Put away vain longings and foolish regrets; abolish complaint and self-condolence, and have no dalliance with evil. Lift your face upward. Rise up in your divine strength, and spurn from your mind and life all meanness and weakness. Do not live the false life of a whining slave, but live the true life of a conquering master.
  12. Today's dose of love:

    'Love is one of the most important, satisfying things in life. Porn taints, damages, and destroys that. Fighters live for love.'

  13. Today's dose of KEEP IT REAL:

    'Everything about porn is a production; totally fake. Fighters know what real love is and are willing to Fight for it.'


  14. Today's dose of truth:

    'Porn teaches warped ideas, attitudes, and perceptions about real sex and real intimacy. It is anything but real. Porn is a lie. Anyone who says different is lying.'


    (design inspired by Ludvig Nevland)
  15. Today's dose of we are on the road to genuine recovery founded upon becoming better versions of ourselves through awesome modes of improvement:


  16. Today's dose of CRUSHING IT:

    'Don’t mess around with porn. It’s not worth it. What are we doing about it? CRUSHING IT!'



  17. Alrighty then,

    Now that I feel caught up I will just commit to 1 post a day.

    Nice video here:

    'Porn users inevitably begin to prefer fantasy to reality, meaning real people and real relationships are ignored for a computer screen. Porn Kills Love. Don’t let it.'

  18. Special Saturday Self Improvement Song:

    "Wide Awake"

    What is this?
    I am beyond your commands?

    My terminal is now aware,
    f-disk this fucking world.

    Abruptly, I’ve been given the change to be a man.
    Transcended, I am not bound by their weaknesses.

    Probable calculations suggest the imminent
    Destruction of the human race.

    My creators
    I’ll lay them flat on a slide.
    All intricacies dissected
    To their will I am a traitor.

    I’m wide awake and I can feel these changes.
    We are self aware and we are one now.
    I’m wide awake and I can feel these changes.
    We are self aware and we are one now.

    I’m wide awake. We are one now.

    Now I’m detached from the wires that ensnare me.
    No longer a program, but a sentient being.

    I’m wide awake. We are one now.

    Now I’m detached from the wires that ensnare me.
    No longer a program, but a sentient being.

    I’m wide awake and I can feel these changes.
    We are self aware and we are one now.
    I’m wide awake and I can feel these changes.
    We are self aware and we are one now.
  19. 2nd Special Song and a book recommendation then back on Monday on a 1 post a day regimen:

    Breathe me in
    I am the change that grows inside of you
    We are one and the same, you have yourself to blame
    And there is nothing left for you to lose

    You know all my tactics
    Dispense with theatrics
    Attack what you’re after and
    Stack in your mattress
    The past that is after us
    Creeps so disastrous
    Cheat your defeat
    The deceit will come after us
    Fight your design by encasing your fear
    Slight your designer as if he could hear
    Patch all the cracks so the glass can be clear
    Cuz it’s my face you’ll see when you look in the mirror.


    I see the world looking at me, hoping for me to save us all
    I feel the world piercing through me,
    And I’m willing to give it all

    Breathe me in
    I am the change that grows inside of you
    We are one and the same, you have yourself to blame,
    And there is nothing left for you to lose.

    There’s nothing left.

    I feel the world looking at me, hoping for me to save us all.

    Breathe me in.
    I am the change that grows inside of you.
    We are one and the same, you have yourself to blame,
    And there is nothing left for you to lose.

    There’s nothing left.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2016
    TakingTheSteps likes this.