Last Movie/TV Show You Watched?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by 虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず, Jan 8, 2017.

  1. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    I blame the nanny state for killing my drive to be spontaneous.

    But yes I have all the gear, I don't even want to take money. Might steal from markets lol. Fuck it.
    I often walk alone up my nearest mountains. Stare into the world below.
    I hate having to come back down.
  2. Lol, do you envision yourself in movies when you watch?

    It almost sounds like you were filling a void with tv and movies at one point. I can relate to this feeling having seen a movie before, there's really only one film in recent memory that made me feel similar to this.
    Star Lord likes this.
  3. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Yes when a movie or to show is so good that it captivates you and while your watching it's like your viewing it 3rd person. The world around you vanishes and the edges of the screen become the world.
    It's scary stuff.
    Probably doesn't help I'm an extremely visual person.
    It's why I'm worried about VR. I'm never gonna get VR.
  4. There was a scene in Captain Fantastic where they stole from a market. The Dad pretended to have a heart attack to distract the store employees while his kids wheeled out shopping carts of food, probably too hard to pull off solo.
    Star Lord likes this.
  5. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    I could always go into restaurants, order, eat. Then when I ask for the bill. Just leave lol.
  6. I'm gonna be honest man. It's a little embarrassing.

    I got so absorbed in the new Ghostbusters probably about a month or two ago, and it was mainly Chris Hemsworth's part that had a weird impact on my mind. Like it was a mixture of jealousy and dissatisfaction with my own life, not me as a person, but where I am in life right now. I was so absorbed in the film I even watched it with the director's and filmmakers' commentaries, first time I can remember doing that. I also watched all the outtakes and extras lol.

    It left me with this feeling of lack, a feeling of discontentment. It didn't help that I had relapsed shortly before, but like I was comparing myself to Chris Hemsworth and thinking how much money Hollywood actors make and it's like why I am letting Hollywood make me feel crappy about my own life hahahah it was such a distorted and worthless state of mind I fell into.
    Star Lord likes this.
  7. @RepentMySins

    Now VR is where I draw the line. I tried renouncing the internet lol but that was a bit extreme. But ya the evolution of technology is going to consume humanity. Gotta draw the line somewhere man.

    I need to get out into nature every week or I don't feel right. I was trail running recently but I need to get back into it after having stopped for a month or so. I've fallen into an energetic slump. Crawling my way out. I need to be in the forest or an undeveloped secluded natural area without any electronics on me at least once a week I think from now on.
  8. MrSuccess17

    MrSuccess17 Guest

    Haha I think he's an excellent actor but it's incidental he was in both.

    Jared Leto was scary good in DBC!

    I'd agree with you on True Detective. The first season was one of the best tv shows I have ever watched. Season 2 was lacking although still better than most of the trash on tv.

    Any tv show you know of comparable to TD and worth watching???
  9. No, but I do watch WSL though.

    I once read being a fapstronaut is like surfing. In surfing you ride waves of water until the wave comes to an end, being a fapstronaut you ride the waves of temptation to fap until the temptation comes to an end. Surfers don't give up if they don't ride the whole wave, they get up and try to do better. Likewise that's what we fapstronauts should do if we relapse.
  10. I think that can be applied to life in general too :)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. Only one show that's on par with it that I can recommend.

    It's old. The kind of old you might not be able to get into. Twin Peaks. It's an ingenious, timeless masterpiece of a show actually. The remake premieres this May. Remake of the century probably. Twin Peaks (TV Series 2017– ) - IMDb

    I can also recommend something not on par with it, this is subpar imo but these 2 are all I know of: The Killing
    MrSuccess17 likes this.
  12. MrSuccess17

    MrSuccess17 Guest

    I had heard of Twin Peaks but never watched. I'll definately have a look at the remake.
    What did you see wrong with season 2 of TD??lol
  13. It was nowhere near as good as season 1 which was tremendously disappointing? I mean I'd like a show to be just as good if not better each season, not worse.
  14. MrSuccess17

    MrSuccess17 Guest

    I'd agree on that, don't know what happend with S2, I expected it to be great.
    I take it you're looking forward to Twin Peaks remake?? Is it expected to be better than first??
  15. I don't think they'd reboot something that old if they weren't going all out with it. I mean yeah it should be super amazing. But ya never really know I guess. No one knows until the pilot.
    MrSuccess17 likes this.

  16. (I don't think the above video is related to the one below which I am watching on disc lol or maybe it is HAHAHA)

    Watching The Dying of the Light today.

    Highly recommended for any cinephiles or wannabe cinephiles. Cinema would be nothing without people who watched films for more than mere mindless entertainment.

    The Dying of the Light
    MrSuccess17 likes this.
  17. Rob Lupus

    Rob Lupus Fapstronaut

    I just finished Wolf's Rain and I thought it's f-ing BRILLIANT! Besides the aesthetic of portraying my totem, I thought it was a great allegory for the search for meaning albeit in religious symbolism and such (but that doesn't bother me.) To think I never actually watched this in it's original run on Adult Swim back in the day. This show speaks to me.

  18. Looks great. Watched 33 seconds of it. I mean it put a smile on my face, I get the feeling it's awesome, I just don't have the time or interest to pursue animated things these days.

    I'll watch an animated film that comes out in the theaters from time to time but my days of anime shows are sadly at an end.

    That show really feels like it has a great spirit/heart to it. Somehow magical. Meaningful. Deep.

    I can't recommend anybody watch this but it didn't trigger me even though there's some sexual scenes in it, great film. This is film the way it is supposed to be. Well, that's entirely a biased thing to say LOL. Some people think stuff like Michael Bay's Transformers are what makes cinema great :confused:

    I remember in middle school I used to be OBSESSED WIT DEM NIKES YO! Never was into J's, I was totally an Air Max type of kid.

    Kicks Movie Review & Film Summary (2016) | Roger Ebert
    Rob Lupus likes this.
  19. Rob Lupus

    Rob Lupus Fapstronaut

    I don't watch anime as much either, I'm also busy and I can't really get into anything anymore. This was an exception as I heard things about it. As for the sexual scenes, it's nothing that triggered me. I don't really have the urge anymore. I get aroused by certain things but don't have the desire to m. I just don't take things like that as seriously, I take as some of the other members here.