[Journal] Quitting Games

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by I Will Survive, Jun 3, 2018.

  1. I Will Survive

    I Will Survive Fapstronaut

    Day 15. I feel like I'm much more motivated than before for college, and especially to get things done. I'm more active and think more about both future and present. I think this is a combination of NoFap and NoGames, which is allowing me to view life more seriously and be excited to progress in life. I've been engajed to Church as well, and relationships there are very helpful to me, but what benefits me the most is my relationship with God.
    Sinbad likes this.
  2. I Will Survive

    I Will Survive Fapstronaut

    Day 19. Today I 've been with some urges to game, but I'm resisting these thoughts because I remembered my past thoughts that gaming is pretty much a waste of time. My mind tried to trick me into thinking I would just train without being addicted, which is a lie. (Also, unless you go pro into gaming, it prevents you from achieving important things in life; and very very few people are able to successfully go pro or be a streamer success.) I know I'm one of these people who easily become addicted to games, so I must not even touch games anymore. If I will have only one casual match, I'm in serious risk of spending the whole afternoon, the whole night gaming, one match after another; and my first thought about playing casually will be long forgotten.
  3. I Will Survive

    I Will Survive Fapstronaut

    Day 0. Just like my previous post predicted, I didn't resist and played a little. Then I was overwhelmed by this addiction and got hooked entirely. I've spent more than a month as a slave of games, spending almost all my free time in gaming and unable to fight back.

    Today I will restart the journey against games, and with God's help I'll win over this terrible habit.
  4. koolpal

    koolpal Fapstronaut

    Interesting journal. I went through something similar.

    First, it was no PMO.
    2nd, Netflix was not so appealing anymore.
    3rd, Video games were not so appealing anymore.

    Looking forward into your insights in your journey.
    Last edited: May 15, 2019
    I Will Survive likes this.
  5. I Will Survive

    I Will Survive Fapstronaut

    Thank you, koolpal!

    Day 1.
  6. I Will Survive

    I Will Survive Fapstronaut

    Day 2.

    Even though I "played" an offline game by running from a point of the world to another, I'll consider it as not having played; but I'll beware not to do it again and will consider it undesirable.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. good that you're doing this.
    I Will Survive likes this.
  8. Davinblake

    Davinblake Fapstronaut

    Third step is youtube. Importance list is 1st drugs, 2nd fapping, 3rd series, 4th yt, 5th games, 6th lazyiness
    I Will Survive likes this.
  9. koolpal

    koolpal Fapstronaut

    I used to play a lot of online multiplayer games; :emoji_video_game: For the first time in my life I'd actually fail classes. :emoji_x:

    Then, out of nowhere I joined the school's weightlifting club, :emoji_lifter: and oh boy, never failed a class since. :emoji_white_check_mark:

    I started being unable to carry a barbel even without weights! Later, I could bench press my own weight.

    I don't look like a typical weightlifter bodybuilder. People still don't believe I lift weights, or need to work out, but it changed my life.

    If I could do it back then, I'd join the school's wrestling, archery, and rifle team. :emoji_wrestlers::emoji_bow_and_arrow::emoji_military_medal:
    Last edited: May 19, 2019
  10. R2DToy

    R2DToy Fapstronaut

    I used to play games in my youth and young adulthood a LOT.

    Half because I liked them, other half I suspect to attempt to process emotions I was unable to share with anyone. I got angry many times if I couldn't beat a level or got a decent highscore online.

    Damn man, I could've gotten many girlfriends, or learned and worked on other skills, and socialisation. I especially regret not having any girlfriends. Hell, even my social skills stagnated severely. Kinda missed life there between the age of 16-23.

    I wish someone had stopped me more from playing games, be more strict about it and learned me discipline/working instead. My parents were way to lenient on me regarding games and study. Even after 23 I still played them a lot. Personally, I find them a waste of time unless played with friends, but even then, shouldn't play them for hours and hours.

    Ironically, I do create 2D mobile games, which is fun. Although we are talking about in-between games, the ones you can play for 3-8 minutes and that's that.

    Anyway, I was really a PC gamer, so when you play FPS games for years at an end, my left shoulder 'grew' actually a few centimeters higher then the other. Ultimately I was able to correct it with my physiotherapist. Also, in my days with games like Battlefield 1942, the first Battlefield title, at the end of the match you could see ONE highscore screen for like 30 seconds. Then it disappeared in foreverness. You could make a screenshot, but that's about it. I'm just saying all that effort could have been put in something more.. real.

    Even IF you would be able to use all those gaming skills and make it as a Youtube 'pro' gamer, or win tournaments, chances you will make either career successfully and make it a living in the first place let alone make it till your retirement. The odds are just against you.

    I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with games. Just need to play it for fun, and in moderation.

    God I still look back to my 'gaming' days and regret not putting more effort in social skills. They are vital to make you become succesful later in life in all aspects of life. Work, friends, women (or men depending on your preference), and your own mental health.

    I don't know how old you are but keep it up!
    I Will Survive and koolpal like this.
  11. Hey, I've been on the same project. It's been 64 days since I last played a game.

    I quit because I realized that if I'd spent as many hours on school as I did on Siege, I'd have graduated by now. And God doesn't want me to live like this.

    Absolutely essential to my success (zero slip-ups so far) was blocking all access to games. I gave my accounts to a trusted friend for safe keeping, and there they have stayed. I would not have made it this far if playing was an actual option. Video games are work and reward; mentally they are just like any other project and reward you put yourself towards. Thus they are to productivity what porn is to sexuality. What makes them so dangerous is that how rewarding they are, how they effectively take up other uses of your time that would feel less rewarding.

    The results so far, have been mediocre. I thought my school efforts would skyrocket; they didn't, my ADHD traits remain. The best I got on that front was going from 3 to 12 hours per week of dedicated homework/schoolwork (apart from class time). In the meantime, obsessive book reading, pacing and thinking (which might be stimming) and other behaviors I find easy and rewarding has replaced games. I'm still jobless and chaotic.

    But, my decision to avoid games is final. I do not plan on ever playing again.
  12. I Will Survive

    I Will Survive Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your support, guys!

    Day 0. I'll restart the counter because I've played too much offline games recently. My goal is to be completely free of games, because I tend to play too much even with offline games; especially if I quit playing online games, which I did. Maybe the most effective solution would be to play only a bit per day, and I think I'll try doing that.

    Online games of any kind are out of question, but in my case I can't be left to play as much of offline games as I want as well, because I lose control. One thing that negatively affects me is sleeping too few, because on the other day I just minelessly play, and instead of going to sleep on time I mess up my sleep even more.

    I'll keep in mind your points. I already workout at home, but sometimes gaming or laziness can keep me from working out; even though I usually do. Youtube might be a problem to me, but I've been watching mostly useful videos; however sometimes I slip. I'm currently in college, and I've got to a point in which failing classes is a normal thing. One thing I want to replace gaming with is studying, because then I would fare better in college.

    I've been working on my social skills, mostly because of nofap, but I need to not be playing too much video games, as they make my mind only think of games and only want games. Games are terrible to make me improve my social interactions because my brain feels accomplished, in no need of improving and hungry for more dopamine from games.

    Games kidnap my brain and that is why I don't want them. However, I might enjoy them in a very moderate way and after I've done my daily obligations and completed my personal goals, if I still wish to.

    Thank you again, guys! I'll try to stick to this goal for now and see how things go.
    koolpal likes this.
  13. R2DToy

    R2DToy Fapstronaut


    I just wanted to add, that my personal experience is that when I'm too harsh on myself I eventually 'break' and go all out. You can't chain yourself to a ball and not allow yourself anything. Learning about moderation seems to be the key. I'm not saying I know all about moderation, just that it brings balance.

    Everyone works differently. Some need to be cut off from something completely or they will go to extremes. Others can learn to apply moderation.

    So yeah, it's OK to 'slip' now and then. We are after all simple human beings with impulsive behavior. No need to punish ourselves for being who we are. Just try to find balance.

    P.S. What degree are you going for? College? University?
    I Will Survive likes this.
  14. I Will Survive

    I Will Survive Fapstronaut

    Thank you, HVL85! I'll try to be more moderated as oposed to cut games off completely, so that I can still enjoy games but not letting them take my life away. For now, I will not play online games, only offline, and with moderation.

    I'm going for a Physics degree, which is really tough, so I really need to study and dedicate to college.

    Day 1.
  15. Hey I Will Survive,

    I just read your thread and really appreciate it. Like your Idea and your amazing dedication! Great job!

    I had similar problems with gaming, for me it just went away but I think I subsided it with social media/9gag. Tried to stop many times aswell and I realize how it rips you out of reality...

    Thanks, you motivated me to do the same!
    I Will Survive likes this.
  16. I Will Survive

    I Will Survive Fapstronaut

    Thank you, info Let! Good luck on your journey!

    I feel like computers in general might take you out of reality, especially games, videos and other things that you can do indefinetely. I, personally, had this problem with games and, many times, shifted from gaming to unproductive video watching. It is as easy as gaming, if not easier, and you can just do it over and over again.

    Day 4. I didn't play anything in the last 2 days, but because I lacked time to. I'll also try not to play too much within the next days.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. I Will Survive

    I Will Survive Fapstronaut

    Day 7. I didn't play online games since last post; didn't play offline games today as well. I don't think I played too much in the last few days, but I think my life would be more productive if I shortened gaming time, so I'll try to do that as time passes.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. HellBentOnChanging

    HellBentOnChanging Fapstronaut

    Best of luck on your journey! I do want to say that there is nothing with online video games and long as you can keep the time you play them in check. I play a game called path of exile online, but I consider myself more of a casual solo gamer. If you play online games with friends, you are much more likely to become addicted to it where it ruins your life, due to peer pressure from friends to keep playing.... I don't watch much TV at all, so instead of watching TV to unwind after a hard stressful day, I prefer to play path of exile, (after I hit the gym of course). Also, it's funny how those that watch lots of TV somehow act like watching TV is better than playing video games. I find that to be extremely absurd, since playing a video games requires focus, concentration and depending upon the game, decision making skills. My point is any addiction is bad, but lots of of people who play video games aren't addicted to them and keep them in under control. They actually help me with my porn addiction and it keeps my focus elsewhere.
    I Will Survive likes this.
  19. I Will Survive

    I Will Survive Fapstronaut

    Thank you, HellBentOnChanging!

    Personally, I don't think I have enough self control to keep my play time in check, at least with online games. The problem is that even though I intend to play only one match, I end up playing almost indefinitely until someone intervenes. Sometimes I may not lose control, but pretty often I lose it.

    Besides that, one match often takes away more than 30 minutes between opening the game, finding a match and playing the game. That is precious time which I would be losing even playing moderately. Online games also tend to have mechanisms to keep you playing every day. Therefore I'll be even more likely to play every day; but my goal is to do more useful things with my time right now, plus avoid harmful addictions.

    Games would be a harmful addiction to me if I played the same game every day, even just one match per day. Right now I'm allowing myself to play offline games because they tend to be less addictive and, most importantly, I can stop playing whenever I want (that is, close the game and go to do something else). But in the end I want to minimize even offline gaming time and play games only when I do it for fun and in a healthy way, without compromising other more important activities of life.

    Day 9. I didn't play anything yesterday, but I played a bit of an offline game today. I had a really nice day. Much better than it would have been had I played from the moment I arrived home up to right now.
  20. HellBentOnChanging

    HellBentOnChanging Fapstronaut

    what I do, is on weeknights, I use video games as part of a reward system. For example, no video gaming for me, unless I'm worked out, did my daily meditation,working on my business for an hour, and NoFap OR porn, then I reward myself with an hour or so of video game play. Plus I enjoy the game that way, no guilt whatsoever.
    I Will Survive likes this.