Is it easier for popular / attractive / skilled people to quit porn? Or the same.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Administrator Account, May 28, 2019.

  1. Administrator Account

    Administrator Account Website Admin Staff Member NoFap Defender

    I think that the neurological process is about the same, although people who have cultivated exercise and participated in extracurriculars growing up may have advantages with their learned self-discipline.

    I also think that people who are less traditionally attractive, overweight, socially inept, non-confident, etc, might face many issues that others do not need to face, such as coming to terms with themselves and regaining self-confidence that some people seem to naturally have.
  2. mdz

    mdz Fapstronaut

    Most of the problems you list, are second-order problems from porn addiction.

    I was socially awkward, for many years, and when I quit porn I regained my social "skills" back.

    Too late, but thats another story.
  3. being attractive/popular/skilled and overcoming addictions more easily have the same causes: nurture and nature.

    Also being attractive/popular/skilled sounds like being mentally healthy and therefore useful in overcoming addictions.
  4. MnT

    MnT Fapstronaut


    I see why you think this way, but i have a counter argument.
    Remember that "succesfull people" tend to be addicted to drugs, hookers, alcohol etc. I am talking about "people who are in the middle of something" here. Why not also PMO ? Many of them commit suicide because they are unhappy.
    So I think that they have the same problems but at a greater scale than average people.
  5. All the same. Brains and nervous system dont care about attractiveness. If you abuse the brain enough whether you're Ronaldo or a ugly looking motherufcker you will get damaged in the same way.
  6. I think there is no big difference. The most important thing is how you see yourself and your life, not how it actually is. Mental health problems often fuel addictions, and they are not limited to unsuccessful people. What is more psychological researchers suggest that what really matter is a difference between expectations and reality, not only facts. New job with regular salary for a poor man is something incredible, but for a wealthy manager it's failure and degradation.
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