
Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Pixelar, Jun 29, 2019.

  1. Pixelar

    Pixelar Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Been a while since visiting this web, So far life is improved, even i log every i activity for the last three months and see that progress, it's not enough before i beat this nonsense pmo.
    Forming new multiple positive habit, from constant writing, working toward my goals, increasing daily exercise, socializing and cutting out social media usage. yet the pmo still slipping into my life.
    it's hard i'm not kidding it's one of the hardest episode that i ever faced during my 32 years of life to getting out of this vicious thing. but i will get through this. it's always starting from today the here and now for doing meaningful things in this momentary life.
  2. GuitarAfficionado

    GuitarAfficionado Fapstronaut

    Seems to me that the hardest part is almost done. When you work on getting a better life, most reasons that make you want to PMO will go away and it becomes useless/not interesting.

    I'm going to try explaining the exercise I made that helped me LOTS on my current streak and lack of interest in porn.

    Our brain can't tell the difference between vivid imagination and reality. What I did is: we all had episodes where pmo went REALLY off the rails and we got a lot of pain from it. So I put myself there mentally, browsing and searching till I was DISGUSTED and phisically hurt. That way I associated PMO w/ lots of pain.

    Doing that I broke the pattern that we use to fool ourselves and make the association that pmo is good, because it IS NOT even remotely close to being any good.

    Trust me, if I did it, YOU can do it. A couple of years ago I was wasting 3-4 DAILY hours PMOing. If I knew these things back then, my recover would have been waaay faster.

    Feel free to hit me up w/ questions if you have any!

    Keep fighting!
    Pixelar likes this.
  3. Pixelar

    Pixelar Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Hi, thanks for the advice you give, it is true what all of you say, i believe before i can break the pattern i need to build the foundation that can be sustainable in a long term.
    forming new habit is hard in the beginning, uncomfortable but that action will always reward me with good feeling about my self.
    paying attention to my daily routines what can be improved, i always start small and gradually increase the action. it works for me.
    and thanks again for the support ;)
    GuitarAfficionado likes this.