I'm not from here... but I will be

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by BreatheSound, Aug 3, 2018.

  1. BreatheSound

    BreatheSound Fapstronaut

    I'm a Brazilian woman! I have a problem and my English is not very good. I'm sorry if I write something wrong, but I want to talk abouth this. I have a problem, a big one. I was 14 years old when this started. I did not know what I was doing. An innocent girl spying on websites, but now I'm a 21-year-old woman who can not shake off the pornography problem. Because of this, I have developed anxiety problems and have little emotional to deal with the difficult things. Yeah, I know that was it. But I want to improve and I will, I have faith that I will. Slowly. I need to get rid of the emptiness that this problem brings me. I just need some help. I'm embarrassed to talk about this with a family member or friend, so I came to stay here. And from today I want to make a change in my life
    Sorry again for my bad english :D
  2. drac16

    drac16 Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap. I hope you enjoy your time here. There are plenty of people who have a similar story, so you'll be making friends in no time.
    BreatheSound likes this.
  3. Lefty2

    Lefty2 Fapstronaut

    Hi. I know it i hard to admit you have a problem, let alone an addiction. Then to try and conquer it, you have to want to do it, and you need support. I found this website NOFAP just a frw days ago and was nervous about posting anything because this isn’t anything I want anyone I know to know anything about. But I need people to both hold me accountable and to support me with understanding. I have found both here in only 4 days. I am going on day 5 no porn, and I have decided to not masturbate as well because I want to do the complete “ reboot” and see how much better it makes me feel. You can do it too. I believe everyone in this community is here to help and support you. Take it a day at a time.
    BreatheSound likes this.
  4. hardowner

    hardowner Fapstronaut

    Hello and welcome. This is a good community for people to stop PMO and improve their lives. Your english are good, don't worry. I've been in Brazil a few times. Sao Paulo for sure, I don't remember if more places too...
    BreatheSound likes this.