I relapsed after 50 days...but low semen and it didn't spray around

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Trinere, May 27, 2019.

  1. Trinere

    Trinere Fapstronaut

    Pls help, I relapsed after day 50 or so and will continue NoFap. But whats strange was the sperm volume was heavily decreased and didnt spray all over as usual? Just dropped out lightly.
    Any science behind this???
  2. Habbapop

    Habbapop Fapstronaut

    Not that i know off. But it doesn't matter that much. Just get back on the horse and keep pushing for sobriety ! :)
  3. Trinere

    Trinere Fapstronaut

    I am worried a little bit...has anyone experienced the same?
  4. hd47

    hd47 Fapstronaut

    I think because you were not
    fantasizing during these 50 days.
  5. bfdet

    bfdet Fapstronaut

    It would be more productive for you to think about what triggered your relapse and how to avoid that trigger again rather than spending time worried about volume ...

    Looking for "science" behind this isn't going to help you; in fact, it will probably trigger you to keep "testing" your body. Not good. Trust that with noPMO you body and your mind are healing, and will continue to heal, as long as you take the time needed for healing.

    There is not better time to restart your journey of healing than right now, so get going.

    One day at a time is how we all succeed.
    Habbapop likes this.
  6. Trinere

    Trinere Fapstronaut

    Yes I understand that, I shouldn't care about it, but I do.
    I will for sure continue nofap and start a new reboot...But it bothers me...so anyone has an answer to that?
  7. Habbapop

    Habbapop Fapstronaut

    So what are you worried about ? that your sperm volume was not as big as it used to be ? Why is that a problem ?

    If i would take a guess and i hope it can calm you down and let it go i think it is :

    If you fap every day for a loooong time and then sudenly stop. Your body will keep producing big amout of sperm cous your body is used to releasing every day. And when you stop doing that it will build build up bigger volumes.
    When you havn't fapped for 50 days your body will no longer produce those big amouts cous you don't relese every day. And that can be why your volumes is smaler.

    And with that beeing said. I have NO sience about this or education. This is just what i think could happen and for me it sounds credible.

    Now stop focusing on amout of sprem and focus on the amout of thing you can do when you dont Watch porn or fap ! ! ! Think about all the time you can spend on life and not on PMO !
    wheelgauge likes this.
  8. wheelgauge

    wheelgauge Fapstronaut
