I can't help thinking about PM

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Asterflars, Jul 18, 2019.

  1. Asterflars

    Asterflars Fapstronaut


    I'm an 18yo young man, I started to abstain from PM for 1 and a half day.
    I used to fap between 1 and 2 time everyday, often in the morning. And since I haven't done it yesterday. It's like I can't think of anything but of PM and I'm always ready to fap.

    I have tried meditation, shower, distractions, hanging out with friends, etc. Yet none helped me.

    What would you advise me?
  2. Ranvanp

    Ranvanp Fapstronaut

    Firstly acknowledge the desire as there is no point in lying to yourself. The desire to orgasm is a perfectly natural thing and would give you some brief pleasure.
    Then think beyond that brief moment to how the O would really make you feel. You have set yourself a goal and you want to achieve it. Fapping takes you away from where you want to be. Fapping gives you a brief thrill but would make you feel bad yourself overall.
    I think of it as like a long distance run. I could sit down (fap) at anytime and it would give temporary relief but it would move me no closer to my goal, after the act, I would feel bad and regret doing it.
    So give yourself a reason to feel good about yourself and accept that you have a temporary craving but that it will pass and you will feel better and stronger if you if you do something else.
    Kiz Whalifa, CyndiWong and lvcas like this.
  3. Asterflars

    Asterflars Fapstronaut

    Thank you very much for your reply.
    I hope it will pass. Actually I don't feel that bad after doing it... I think on the contrary it may be a way to relax myself especially as I'm really stressed out. But yeah I agree with you.
    Ranvanp likes this.
  4. TheMightyQuinn

    TheMightyQuinn Fapstronaut

    Let go of the idea that you can abstain for a day and not have hard feelings come up. If you can learn to sit with the hard feelings, you will gain further confidence. Trying to make them go away and expecting instant results are both addictive thinking.

    lvcas likes this.
  5. Since you’re so young I’m going to suggest reading some of the journals of the older men.

    Imagine if you keep this up what your life will be like.
    Imagine you meet a beautiful woman, you guys get married, you have kids. Life is great! But you’ve still got this porn problem. You eventually lose all attraction towards your wife. She keeps bugging you for sex, but that thought doesn’t interest you one bit. You wait for her to go to sleep and get off to P. A few times a year you give in and give her pity sex because you don’t want her to leave you, and lose your children. Oh shit! Your dick doesn’t work. Wtf!? Now she starts to question if it’s because she’s ugly, maybe she gained too much weight during pregnancy, maybe you’re cheating. She asks her female friends if it’s normal and she finds out that all her friends husbands can’t take their hands off them, the women wish their men would settle down a bit. So if this isn’t normal she believes it has to be because she’s ugly. And in a way she’s right- porn taught you that fake airbrushed women are attractive. She then finds your porn. She might leave you or she might stay. Either way, your dick still doesn’t work properly so if she leaves you it’s not like you’re physically able to go fuck the hottest women at the bar. If she stays your life will become much harder than it is right now.
    You’re too young to go down this road. You’re way better than that. You’re growing up in a time when we now the harm of porn. You know you’re better than it just keep fighting one day at a time. You got this.
  6. Rehab_warrior

    Rehab_warrior Fapstronaut

    Empty shell, thank you :)

    I was dealing with an urge, and this post was a wake up call.

    You showed me a glimpse of a possible future. I don't want that future.

    Now I am more motivated than ever to give up !

    I'll keep this post for emergency.

    Really, trully, thanks.

    And Asterflars, listen to this gal ;)

    Stay brave bro
    lvcas, Asterflars and Deleted Account like this.
  7. You’re welcome and no need to thank me.... you’re the warrior. Keep fighting.
    Rehab_warrior likes this.
  8. Asterflars

    Asterflars Fapstronaut

    Thank you very much for your replies. Yours especially remotivated me Empty shell :)

    There is only one little reason it doesn't speak much to me, it's that I'm gay and very religious... So even if I have some relationships, I may not need my dick in each.

    Yet I still get your point, I guess. It's that even if I don't have any wife, porn would still take a certain amount of time in my life, which I could spend doing other things.
  9. miXhal

    miXhal Fapstronaut

    If you are religious, then the advice is very simple: trust Jesus.
    CyndiWong and Asterflars like this.
  10. TheMightyQuinn

    TheMightyQuinn Fapstronaut

    What if you have a different religion?
    miXhal likes this.
  11. Asterflars

    Asterflars Fapstronaut

    Who told you I would be Christian? ;)

    I was about to reply that haha
  12. miXhal

    miXhal Fapstronaut

    Then I would give the same advice anyway :)
  13. TheMightyQuinn

    TheMightyQuinn Fapstronaut

    As in to tell a Jew or a Muslim to try Jesus?
  14. miXhal

    miXhal Fapstronaut

    If you guys have time, and are interested, I´ll share my testimony with you here - that can help you understand my advice better. If you decide to read it, thanks for the patience in advance, because it´s quite long... Cheers!
  15. TheMightyQuinn

    TheMightyQuinn Fapstronaut

    No thanks. I have my religion.
  16. miXhal

    miXhal Fapstronaut

    What is merely having a religion good for?
    (I know, you probably didn´t mean it that way, but it´s difficult to say from such a short statement)