How to talk to a lady whose always in a group.

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Curtrunner, Aug 15, 2019.

  1. Curtrunner

    Curtrunner Fapstronaut

    So I am a college athlete and I keep seeing the lady who I find cute but she’s always with the volleyball girls group. How do I talk to her?
    Nappy_kiddo likes this.
  2. Beingcowboyishard

    Beingcowboyishard Fapstronaut

    Just approach her ask her
    I like your eyes more than your friends,do you wanna go to church with me?
    If it works you owe me taco bells
  3. You walk up to her while she’s in her group and say...excuse me miss, what's your name?
    Can you come, hang with me?
    Possibly, can I take you out, tonight?
    Curtrunner likes this.
  4. Mr. McMarty

    Mr. McMarty Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    NO No No all wrong! Haha, If she is in a group, you must address the group first. Talk to them about Volleyball a mutual interest to gain trust. Once you have the confidence of the leader of the group. The girls may even talk amongst themselves about how cute you are. That is when you make your move. Trust me women moves, I know.
  5. Ghost in the Shell

    Ghost in the Shell Fapstronaut

    That sounds like a description of mating strategy from a wildlife documentary.
    Asgardian36 and Curtrunner like this.
  7. Beingcowboyishard

    Beingcowboyishard Fapstronaut

    It doesnt matter how approach a woman the problem is do you have courage?? That’s it
    Curtrunner likes this.
  8. Mr. McMarty

    Mr. McMarty Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

  9. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    If you want to talk to her, then talk to her. It doesn't matter who is around or what the situation is. You can't wait for ideal circumstances. Difficult situations like this actually make you stand out and be memorable from others.

    Don't hide the fact that you've taken an interest in her. It's nothing to feel guilty about. That's all you're really afraid of. That the others will find out what you're up to. Instead of creeping around and trying to hide it, accept and own it.

    You think she's cute and you want to get to know her. Why be ashamed of that? Be certain of what you want. Other people can think of it however they want.

    You're hesitating because you're waiting for guarantees before taking any action. You want the perfect plan / method / technique that will lead to the perfect outcome... but it doesn't exist. There's no guarantees. You have to do something that might not work if you want a chance at getting what you want. It's a risk. You have to risk a loss if you want a chance at winning. What you're doing right now is playing not to lose where you don't lose anything, but you also don't win anything... you just stay safe and comfortable where nothing happens.

    You're placing way too much value on the outcome. Learn to place value on more important things... like becoming someone that lives their truth and goes for what they want... like becoming someone that takes bold and daring risks despite that it might not work... like becoming someone that can bask in emotional volatility where others would crumble and hide.
  10. This thread is kind of hilarious
  11. Lmao I'm on the same boat. I like this girl at school but she's never alone and always with her group.
    White Sheep and Nappy_kiddo like this.
  12. primaljade

    primaljade Fapstronaut

    Do it like this:
    White Sheep and Emileo Delcarme like this.
  13. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    I second the comments from Mr.Mc Marty and elevate.

    If you're feeling super confident, you can just walk upto her and be like 'Hi i'm so and so I play so and so, I've seen you several times, I think youre cute. I want to know more about you, if youre interested we can have coffee sometime??"

    Or you could go to the group and warm up to the group....

    I would like to see you try elevate's approach and man up, man! For all of us here, take a leap of faith. We put man on the moon, I'm sure you can find courage to go talk to that girl!!! Godspeed!

    Wow its been a week since your post @Curtrunner please update us on the situation!!!
    White Sheep likes this.
  14. need4realchg

    need4realchg Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Love the thread.

    What has worked for me is to be daring and confident.

    If it were me I’d probably walk up smiling and say “hey ladies!! I wanted to ask you a question that okay? I think your friend is really cute and i just wanted to invite her out for (insert whatever activity) Will y’alll lend me your friend for a couple min ? ...”

    They won’t say no. The girl will turn red seeing and you will definitely be in Alfa mode. Just hoist up your cajones bro.
    White Sheep and primaljade like this.
  15. Approach the group friendly and open and talk to them. And then slowly be apart of the griup. Others will split off to talk amongst themselves and then you dorect the ci vo her way
    White Sheep likes this.
  16. Curtrunner

    Curtrunner Fapstronaut

    Well here’s the update....

    I was doing my work study job. She went to talk to another teacher. I finished my task and noticed she just left the teachers office. So I introduced myself and got her name. Then I said I find you attractive and I’d like to take you on a date. I stuttered a bit lol. She said she had a boyfriend but it felt so good to ask her out. I need to work on being more smooth.
  17. Curtrunner

    Curtrunner Fapstronaut

    How does this sound for a date bring a girl to a hill. The place I’m at is mostly flat except for this one hill. Take her to the hill and watch the sunset while I cook some Pad Thai on my camp stove. Then play the guitar. Afterwards.
    White Sheep likes this.
  18. primaljade

    primaljade Fapstronaut

    Awesome! Smoothness comes with practice.

    I would skip the Pad Thai, especially if you plan on kissing afterwards. I discourage dinner dates, but if you must: bring something simple and light that doesn't require cooking, and without garlic, fish sauce, onions, etc...
    Asgardian36 and White Sheep like this.
  19. Curtrunner

    Curtrunner Fapstronaut

    Oh yeah true I didn’t think about that but food may ruin a kiss lol. I wanted to cook to flex my camping skills lol. But I’ll look for a smoother camp skill to flex.
    Totally right about the fact that smoothness takes time and practice. Day 1 of smoothness training done.
  20. primaljade

    primaljade Fapstronaut

    Careful about showing off, since it can show neediness. Fancy skills are much better to demonstrate as a surprise, when the skills are really needed versus trying to make a point of it.

    Consider involving her in the experience so you can BOTH show off if anything (you on guitar, her on a... harp?). Otherwise, keep it simple for date #1, go for a walk/hike/bike, have a simple picnic, etc.
    Asgardian36 likes this.