How to prolong your suffering. TOP5 tricks!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. Welcome.

    A lot of guys starts NoFap with high hopes, and after some success they think to themselves: "Well, this is going really smoothly. It's too easy. How can I make it harder?", but unfortunately this site only gives advice on how to make it easier. But not anymore, because now I'll share with you my TOP 5 techniques, how to make the reboot process significantly harder and make you feel more miserable! It's free and easy to do! Guaranteed success!

    Nr. 1: Keep some of your porn stash!
    You spent years and years collecting your favourite videos, clips and scenes. You spent countless hours surfing, countless gigabytes downloading. Due to your hard work, you have gathered the most beautiful shit that you can find on the net. To throw it all away? Blasphemy! You can delete most of your stuff, but make sure you keep your favourite scenes. How does it make the reboot harder? It's like displaying something you desire behind a glass wall. You can look at it, but you can't get it. You will have this worm in your brain that will constantly tell you to look just "one more time". Because you love that video so much. Others can't understand this. Only you can. But make sure you resist the worm. This constant battle in your mind will make you tired, depressed, and make you feel overall exhausted. Awesome!

    Nr 2: Edge!
    Okay, so you desire not to PMO anymore. Great. That means no Porn, no Masturbation, and no Orgasm. Olallal! There is something missing. There is no E in PMO, therefore it says nothing about Edging. This is the key to make you feel more shitty! By edging you can effectively raise your arousal levels and make your sexual energies go berserk, but make sure you don't let the O happen. This way you can get the best painful experience in the form of some Blue Balls! Blue Balls effectively cause you incredible amount of pain, for a long time. Especially useful to edge before going to bed, if you want to keep the night awake in pain, ruining not only this day, but the next one as well! Awesome!

    Nr 3: Fantasize!
    There is nothing more frustrating and annoying than thinking about something you can't get. By fantasizing, you can get the most out of this effect. By constantly thinking about scenarios that will never happen, both in real life and virtual, you can effectively keep yourself away from reality. Not being in touch with reality is a sure and quick way to feel angry, frustrated, and make your nerves in your brain EXPLODE! After the initial anger, you will feel depleted, exhausted, tired, and overall shitty. Blame yourself for it, and then you will feel as bad as you can! Awesome!

    Nr 4: Have meaningless sex!
    A lot of people say that sex is only good if it's in a committed realationship, where the partners know, respect, love and care for each other. They are right, but we don't want that now. We want suffering! So make sure you have as many casual encounters as possible. Use prostitutes if you must. Meaningless sex will effectively make you feel less of a man, especially when you have PE or PIED. There is nothing more shameful for a man to be unable to perform in bed. Then you can always make some pitiful excuse, like being tired, nervous or alcohol. Meaningless sex will also effectively take you farther away from fulfilling experiences, and substitues the real deal with cheap fake forgeries. Guaranteed suffering both short and long term! Awesome!

    Nr 5: Relapse!
    This is the most powerful way to make yourself feel like a total worthless garbage. This tool has all the benefits as the tricks before, all in one package! Relapsing effectively reinforces the neural pathways in your brain, that link feeling good to PMO, making your addiction stronger, thus prolonging your suffering indefinitely! After it, watch yourself in the mirror of shame, as you realise what you have done. Imagine the look on your spouses face when you tell them. Make sure you beat yourself up even more, with discouraging sentences like "I'm disgraceful" "I'll never quit" and "What's the use? I'm too weak." Feel the self loathe when you reset your counter to ZERO. Congratulations: you succefully eliminated every kind of progress you made. Now you can freely enjoy the tiredness, weakness, anxiety, shame, fear and so much more!
    BONUS FEATURE: Do you like dragons? Don't lie, everybody likes dragons! Now, with relapsing, you get a free dragon, that you can chase in your mind! This dragon will purposefully make you crave for more relapses, and will try to convince you to PMO, making resistance incredibly difficult! By fighting it, you can make sure you get maximum pain out of your reboot. Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!

    See? Making the road to freedom difficult is not that hard to do. Now you have all the tools for a painful, slow, frustrating, and possibly unsuccessful reboot.

    This was obviously a joke. :D I hope none of you take it seriously. Personally I think, a reboot is easier if you bring some humor into it, and this was my idea to make it more funny.
    All the best guys!
  2. scotey73

    scotey73 Guest

    Until I read your closing sentance I was going to warn the forum that this was, obviously, intended to be humorous (and/or helpful) and nothing more. People on the internet tend to take everything at face value....

    Very good post sir! I enjoyed it!

    Although I've been following Nos. 3+5 to a tee. Have I been secretly wanting to make myself miserable? LOL :)

    The lesson learned here, is that we should all take our reboots seriously, but not TOO seriously.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Z_the_B

    Z_the_B Guest

    Hahahahahahahahaha I love this post! I will probably read it next time I'm tempted.It's very funny and true of course. Humor can be an amazing medication.
    The world is already burdened let's not burden it more.thanks for creating this ripple of laughter! Stay strong! We can beat this
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    I like the passive aggressive approach there buddy. I would like to add a point aswell - rationalizing that porn is ok and you should "reward" yourself. Giving in the moment of urge. It's the top one for me :)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Kurapika

    Kurapika Guest

    LOL :D :D
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Yeah you can add some more. :) Comparing your life with others on facebook, checking out girls on instagram and social media, not changing anything in your habits, and my next personal favourite: "you need relapses to move forward".

    Thanks for the replies guys!
  7. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Great advice! I watch porn for hours each day, but I don't masturbate! Then I go and masturbate separately. But it's ok, I don't have to reset my PMO counter because I haven't masturbated all the way to orgasm while watching porn!
    Kurapika and Deleted Account like this.
  8. feo1966

    feo1966 Fapstronaut

    Fantasy is the first step on the path to relapse.

    It is like an alcoholic having a sip of beer, 2 days later, he is into the hard stuff.
  9. Kenzo89

    Kenzo89 Guest

    Nice 1 :)
  10. This was really quite great and certainly made me smile. ^_^ Thank for the awesome non-advice, now I too know what not to do.
    Deleted Account likes this.