~How to become better looking and attract more Girls~ UPDATED PART 3!!

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Mateo89, Feb 9, 2017.

  1. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    Hello folks, I thought I would share some of my wisdom from my own experience in the realm of attracting the opposite gender. This can work for girls just as much as guys.

    I don't think any of us here can deny the importance of physical appearance for first impressions. Therefore one of the best things we men can do is invest in improving our appearance.
    Here are 2 golden rules that will significantly improve your physical appearance up to 2 points. Personally these has been one of the key factors to success with women.

    1. Get under 15% body fat.
    --I cannot stress enough how important this is. Getting under 15% will begin to enunciate your masculine features, you will get a jaw line, visible abs, etc. Girls will pay more attention to you, etc. There's a reason girls are attracted to athletes and models; and most of them are under 15%
    ---Tune your diet to a low carbohydrate diet, moderate fats and moderate to high protein.
    ---Do cardio twice a week for 30 minutes.
    ---Remove Gluten, fake sugars and all forms of Dairy from your diet

    2. Fix your Posture.
    ---Spending too much time on the computer fucks up your posture significantly.
    --Spend at least 10-30 minutes a day doing posture stretches or take up yoga.
    --Take breaks every half hour to quickly stretch your back and neck muscles.
    --Do it right and youll stand more upright, and look/feel more masculine.

    Hope this helps,

    more advise to come,
    feel free to pm me or post below if you have any questions


    3. Do Intensive Resistance Weight Training 3-5 Times a Week.
    --There is nothing that will skyrocket your confidence more than getting a good pump at the gym. ADDITIONALLY, intense weight training gives a big boost to all of your male hormones, increases circulation and increases neurotransmitters in the brain, ALL of which make you look like a better you. If you don't have access to a gym, any exercise can be sufficient. Going for a run, playing sports, etc.

    4. INVEST in Self Grooming
    --Take some time to learning how to take better care of your SKIN and HAIR
    --Learn to properly PLUCK your Eyebrows
    --Get a Haircut that is in STYLE (I personally like the UNDERCUT style)
    --Get a Moisturizer and apply it daily to your face
    Shaving (besides your face, the crotch and armpit area) and a proper shaving kit (i.e. double edge razor);
    Plucking nose hairs;
    Waxing chest/back (if you have any significant hair there) and your backside;
    Whitening teeth (visit a dentist for a professional job and then upkeep with carbamide/hydrogen peroxide treatment at home) and a good kit (i.e. Waterpik, electric toothbrush)

    **Thanks to Sup Brah for the extra Additions.

    Women love a man who takes care of himself. It is not gay if you do this, long as it looks natural. So start now

    5. Dress your ABSOLUTE BEST as OFTEN as possible.
    --As the analogy goes, LOOK good, FEEL good. Even if your going to the gym, or the grocery store, dress in an outfit that you can take pride in. I'm not saying wear a suit every time you go out, but learn to Dress like a winner. Take some thought into your outfit.

    6. INVEST in your SCENT
    --Women are driven largely by their senses, least on first encounters. So with a good scent, you have multiple angles you can impress them in, besides just visual.
    --Im not talking about that cheap smelling AXE stuff. Get something that girls actually like smelling and will compliment you on. There are some EXTREMELY cheap gems you can find that smell great if your on a budget. (Ex. Nautica - Voyage - 20$).

    PART 3:
    7. Incorporate a STRETCHING routine.
    stretching is not only healthy for functionality but it keeps your muscles loose and elongates them. It makes you look slimmer, taller, and your body just flows more. Nobody likes a blocky stubby short looking dude. Lean and mean is what's in.
    Personally, on top of stretching I like to partake in activities that actively stretch the body at least 1-2 times a week. Examples include: Swimming, Yoga, Basketball, kick boxing, soccer etc.
    Take a look at some of the athletes in all the above categories, youll find one thing in common. They all have great looking lean bodies.

    8. Practice talking more clearly, slowly and with a deeper tone.
    -All of these things can be done with a bit of mindfulness. Speak
    by using your "belly" over your "throat," this can produce a deeper, richer sound. Also learn to enunciate your words instead of mumble, put some force into it, speak with confidence and assertiveness. Recite the alphabet and really use your entire mouth to almost over exaggerate the letters.
    This is a common practice amongst singers, actors etc.
    Another thing you can do is Observe how you speak when around people, or record yourself on the phone.

    9. Get your sleep.
    -It is called beauty sleep for a reason. During sleep we recover and detox our bodies to be ready for the next day. There is a big difference in how I look when I get my 7-9 hours, vs when I don't.

    10. Men's apparel
    -Men's apparel, or men's jewelry is a good way to compliment your outfit.
    Apparel includes watches, necklace, bracelets, rings.
    -Personally right now I'm really into rocking those circle beaded stone bracelets. You can buy them for like 10 bucks on amazon.

    And thats Part 3!


    Last edited: Jul 8, 2017
  2. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    I agree with your general statement of getting under 15% bodyfat, BUT a low carb high fat high protein diet is not the best way to do this. High carb low fat diets are the most sustainable when it comes to fat loss and keeping the fat off long term. Those low carb diets are often advocated because you lose a lot of weight initially because your glycogen stores get depleted which leads to loss of water. If you eat high fat and high protein you will most likely eat a diet full of animal products which will increase cancer, diabetes and heart attack risk. Low carb is also not sustainable when it comes to your energy needs. You NEED carbohydrates to have enough energy to get things done. High protein also increases cancer risk since high amounts of protein increases IGF-1 in the body which accelarates aging and increases cancer risk.
    Low carb diets are primarily bodybuilder diets to get to a low level of body fat without losing muscle mass. They have nothing to do with health or longevity.
    The leanest peoples around the globe have always been those that ate high carbohydrate starch based diets.

    Gluten is also fine unless you suffer from celiac disease which only affects 1 in approximately 250 people. For the other 249 gluten is absolutely fine.

    Keep your diet at around 80% carbs 10% fat and 10% protein with lots of whole plant foods. This is the most sustainable way to live if you want to keep your health. Please don't follow into this paleo, low carb trap.

    The rest of your points are spot on.
  3. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    Red eagle

    I appreciate your post however you are making a bunch of false assumptions.

    1. Recent Studies show low carb diets improve insulin resistance, which is the key to fat loss. These spikes in blood sugar and insulin from carbohydrates are what gives us crashes during the day contrary to what you mentioned. There are plenty of people including myself who benefit highly from a low carb diet.

    I will go and mention though the advanced way would be to cycle low carb 5 days followed by high carb rest days to keep the body from adapting.

    2. Your reference to protein and cancer is largely misleading. Check out the studies. They were based off of the consumption of red meat. And they were excessive consumption daily. There is a gazillion alternatives you can use as protein that isnt red meat not limited to: chicken, fish, beans, brown rice, etc. So you can still have a high protein diet long as your practising moderation. Bodybuilders go to extreme measures to get the results they get, consume like 400grams of protein and with the host of drugs their on of course their going to damage their health. I'm not referring we do what they do. We can perfectly achieve under 15% with a high protein low carb diet with only health positives brother. It is excess that damages us. Balance and moderation is key.

    Lastly gluten, like dairy are high flammatory foods and it is a common sensitivity among people. They also don't help fat loss wise.

    Best mateo
    djmotion and (deleted member) like this.
  4. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    1. Incorrect. Insulin resistance is caused by intramyocellular lipids. People following a plant based high carb low fat diet have the least amount of Type 2 diabetes. Look up Dr. Neal Barnard for more information. Carbohydrates are not the cause of Type 2 Diabetes but the symptom. A high fat diet can only cure Type 2 Diabetes as far as they restrict calories. High carb Low fat diets cure Type 2 Diabetes since they allow the body to remove the intramyocellular Lipids that hinder insulin to lower blood sugar. If you don't want blood sugar spikes don't eat refined carbs. Eat whole plant foods.

    2. What studies??
    Here is a study that shows that people who eat high animal food diets (High Protein diets) have higher serum IGF-1 which promotes the growth of cancer cells: http://cebp.aacrjournals.org/content/11/11/1441

    Gluten has been consumed for thousands of years by many populations and most people can eat it safely. Please link a study that shows that gluten is a high flammatory food.

    The healthiest and leanest people have always been those on high carb low fat plant based diets. Around the world populations have always formed around a reliable source of CHO. Think for example the asians eating rice, middle easterns eating barley, europeans eating wheat, inkas eating potatoes etc. You won't find any succesful populations that have thrived on low carb diets, since they are ineffective and cause dietary diseases.

    So please show studies that prove your claims and don't just say recent studies have shown that....

    You probably listened to overweight paleo pushers like Loren Cordain who are most likely paid by the meat industry to get people to eat low carb diets and thus increasing meat intake.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2017
    Awesomej likes this.
  5. YYZed

    YYZed Fapstronaut

    Just a random question because this conversation made me think of it. I heard the Japanese as a nation consume tons of rice and raw fish every year and they have an extremely healthy population? Seems like a good balance between carbs and proteins? But really people have always told me white rice is bad for you, which made me sad because I love white rice, who doesn't? I could eat nothing but fish for the rest of my life and be satisfied.
  6. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    Red eagle,

    I'm not here to argue with you on what s right and wrong and trade scientific literature. Im merely expressing the left side of a coin while you represent the right. The point is that we are both trying to contribute to this forum. There are plenty of people including myself who include protein into our diets and live healthy lives. My parents have been eating meat their wholes lives and their over 75 and healthy. I wont deny your claims either as theirs obviously a basis for it. At the end of the day you do whats best for your body and what works for you. Practising moderation is key. Not go to too extreme. I think a purely plant based diet could be dangerous just as well as a protein based if practised in excess.

    You are coming off as a little spiteful making generalizations of where I get my basis from. Most of my information is from my education I learned in university studying kinesiology and my personal experience working as a personal trainer for 5 years. I've worked with hundreds of clients who have successfully maintained weight loss on tweaking carb intake while remaining perfectly healthy.

    I appreciate your feedback and let's keep up the support

    Harderthansatan likes this.
  7. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    As Bruce Lee famously quotes, "Adapt what is useful and reject what is useless."
    Every culture has their own benefits and limitations in terms of diet. A wise man would take the good from each culture to formulate a custom diet made suitable for him that isn't tied to a particular culture. A lot comes through personal experience as well. I've experimented with hundreds of diets and foods, and I've formulated a diet that works best for my unique body chemistry and it involves foods from all kinds of different cultures. I invite you to try that as well.

    To follow up with your question however, the Japanese diet, in my opinion is one of the healthiest diets in the world. So you are on the right track! Whenever I have to go out and eat restaurant food, Sushi is my first choice. Its incredibly healthy and delicious.

  8. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    That's correct. The Okinawa Japanese have the highest life expactancy around the world and their diet mainly consists of rice, sweet potatoes, fruits, vegetables, tofu and fish. However fish only makes up a small part of it. The reason why most asians are so thin is because they eat a rice based diet with little animal products. Their macro nutrient ratio should be around the 80/10/10 mark which is perfect for the human body. Notice how most asians tend to look younger than their western counterparts at the same age. Main reason: Plant based diet. However when talking about a japanese/asian diet, I mean tradiotional diets. Modern diets consist more of fats and proteins and less of carbs which is the reason why obesity and diabetes is more and more common in asian countries especially in urban areas. The video I linked with Dr. Neal Barnard explains this further.

    You're expressing the side of the coin that is not backed up by medical science and is proven to increase mortality risk. The scientific literature is in favor of plant based diets since the 50s and Ancel Keys Seven Country Study and other people who found a link between animal protein/fat/cholestorol and modern diseases like Nathan Pritikin.
    Just because you're healthy now doesn't mean that you won't suffer health consequences long term. Losing weight is possible with any diet as long as you restict calories. That doesn't mean it's healthy. Making claims based on the health of your parents is very limiting. Yes there are always healthy people around that age range, but for everyone who is healthy, there is one who had a heart attack, another one who had a stroke, another one who suffered from diabetes and others who have died because of those very diseases years before they had reached that age.
    Moderation is not key because that means calorie counting and restriction. You have to give people a diet where they don't have to do either. Low Carb diets are based on restricting calories or on getting the body into ketosis. Due to higher satiety through high amounts of fiber and foods that are lower in calories, high carb, low fat plant based diets don't require moderation and are perfectly suitable for weight loss.
    A purely plant based diet is not dangerous and unlike low carb diets won't increase mortality risk. The only thing that people switching to plant based diets have to look out for is that they consume enough food since plant foods are more dilute in calories and that they take a B12 supplement since excessive hygiene kills of the B12 producing bacteria.

    I don't know about what you learned in university but kinesology is mainly about body movements and not about nutriotion. Since animal protein is high sulfur containing and damages the bones, diets high in animal products should not be taught in your line of education. But the meat industry has their claws in many educational organization.
    Personal trainers have often little to no knowledge when it comes to health and nutrition. Just because someone loses weight doesn't mean they will stay healthy. 5 years is not a long time. The people you trained were probably people who were willing to put the effort of counting and restricting calories into their daily routine. Most people won't do this and need a diet that doesn't force them to do this. I know you have good intentions. You simply lack the right information.

    Since a traditional japanese diet is based around carbs and only moderately on fats you're contradicting yourself.

    If your diet works for you, great but don't recommend a diet that has been proven to increase mortality risk and obesity to people who may not know a lot about nutrition.
    I hope you will keep learning and get up to speed with the medical literature.

    I have a few more videos for you, you may be interested in:

    Last edited: Feb 12, 2017
    staub likes this.
  9. I live in South East Asia and rice is consumed daily by everyone. I don't think it's bad but you know, probably because rice has glucose?
  10. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    Red Eagle. I'm going to leave with this post, as this topic has lost its purpose, and is no longer serving the NoFap community.

    1. Yes Kinesiology is generally about human movement, however Nutrition is a core component studied within the major.
    A lot of my courses involved studying nutrition and the human body.

    2. There are a million possible confounding factors that can be correlated to diabetes, heart attacks, etc, that isnt limited only to protein consumption. According to these scientific studies, basically anything can give you heart attacks, lol.

    3. Modern diets don't practise low carbohydrates. In fact they consume largely in excess. People eat way too many carbs, from pizzas, chips, french fries etc. The ones that actually do reduce their carb intake, are usually not obese.

    4. The people I've trained were mostly middle aged to older actually. Their the ones who have the money to hire a trainer. All who were on bad diets before, cleaned up, and felt significantly better.

    5. My parents is just one example, i was sharing. Its not even just based around me and my observations bud. There are HUGE communities of health practitioners, researchers, doctors who follow the same protocol.

    Your great at pointing out the fallacies in my arguments, yet you can't come to the realization of the fallacies in your own. You have knowledge, but observably lack social skills and life experience.

    Get out there in the world man, this ain't what this forum is about.

    Go to vegans.com if you want to preach about plant based dieting.

  11. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    2. The only major risk factor for heart attacks is cholesterol. The risk factors of diabetes are also mostly limited to nutrition. Don't just throw random numbers out there which say nothing. Which scientific studies are you talking about? Sorry but you have no real arguments against my claims so you just write nonsense.

    3. Modern diets are high in calories in general. CHO is mainly consumed through refinded sources. I don't recommend this since it isn't healthy. People should eat unrefined carbohydrates from whole foods since these foods are satisfying and leave you full. Still carbohydrates are not the main cause of obesity since carbohydrates are not efficiently stored as body fat. 30% of energy is lost through the conversion of carbohydrate to fat. Also the aftermeal burn is higher on high carb low fat meals.

    4. Yeah sure. If you come from the typical american diet a low carb diet is still better but far from optimal.

    5. Most of the low carb/paleo pushers are overweight or obese. Loren cordain is fat. Dr. Atkins was obese based on a diagnosis after his death. There are many more examples. The low carb diet industry is very likely funded by the meat industry as are mainy of their studies since meat intake is gradually decreasing in western countries. They want to reverse that trend.

    I don't have fallacies in my arguments unlike you, since you aren't really able to point fallacies in my arguments out or argue against my claims. Very embarassing for someone with so much life experience. How do you know if I lack social skills and life experience? Just because I haven't worked as a personal trainer yet, I'm disqualified from having a dicussion about nutrition? You just have claims about a certain diet but don't even understand the mechanisms behind weight gain and weight loss.

    This is the self improvement section of the forum and diet is definetely a big part of self improvement. It was also you who gave wrong information. I just corrected you.
    The real world is full of people suffering from the foods you recommend.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2017
    SupBruh likes this.
  12. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    Thanks Red Eagle,

    I'll give you the last say friend.

    Appreciate everyone's feedback on this discussion,

    More to come,

    Best Mateo
  13. SupBruh

    SupBruh Fapstronaut

    Indeed, never understood why people throw around the 'personal trainer' line around. Most personal trainers look like absolute shit and completing a weekend course to rip off lazy overweight people doesn't entitle you to any opinion.
    Red Eagle likes this.
  14. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    To clarify,

    I meant life experience in general. Not life experience being a personal trainer.

    Lmao you guys Crack me up.

    Get off the computer and go live life. Don't need to be spewing your hate comments here.

    IggyIshness likes this.
  15. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    Nobody is spweing hate comments. You just have been challanged for once in your life and couldn't defend your claims and now you say to people: "Get off the computer" while you're sitting on the computer and posting on a forum yourself too. Nutrition is a highly discussed topic and it is just normal that you will get a certain backlash for giving advice that is potentially harmful and is not backed by medical science. Discussion is what a forum is all about. If you can't handle it, don't post threads in a forum.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2017
  16. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    Couldn't defend my claims? Lmao.

    I don't need to defend my claims. people can take it for what it is. I could care less about what your ideas about nutrition are but I respect your opinion which I always mentioned in my post. Is it the "MOST health optimal way to lose weight?" I dont know. Am i going to follow it? Yes ive had great success already and it's widely accepted. You are right this is a discussion and that's totally fine. Post your stuff.

    What I was addressing however was that your generalizations about me aren't true. Assuming where i get my information from. Generalizing that my major doesn't study nutrition. Assuming i train young people. Your trying to discredit my basis with false truths. Shows ignorance on your part just the same.

    But whatever :)

  17. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    Well you were generalizing me. You said that I have no social skills and no life experience even though you don't know me personally.
    Well it is fair to say that you are strongly influenced by the paleo diet since that is pretty much what you recommend. If I'm wrong, I apologize. I never said that kinesology doesn't teach nutrition but that it is not the main point. It's about body movement.
    What false truths? I never assumed anything about you. It is you, who started this by claiming I have no social skills and lack real life experience.
    I simply critiqued your diet advice because it is linked to increased mortality risk and is not sustainable for most people. People can lose weight on your diet. But that doesn't say much since you could lose weight on technically any diet. You can eat McDonalds and lose weight if you burn more than you consume. A diet should be measured on how healthy and sustainable it is. Low Carb diets are neither of it. All I was trying to do is pointing this out so people don't follow these kinds of diets.

    To be fair. I think irl you're probably a cool guy with good intentions. But that doesn't make your stance on nutrition correct. I agree with all of your points except the Low Carb diet and gluten part.
  18. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    Double post sorry
  19. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    Red Eagle,

    I am completely fine with your critique, in fact I appreciate the debate and thats what this discussion is about. I know plenty of people who would agree with you as well. Doesn't devalidate my argument however.

    People are free to post their ideas. However using generalizations about the other person to validate your argument can come across as a little insensitive and ignorant. Its safe to say were both guilty of making some generalizations about each other. I apologize on my part for that too, I was just making observations based on what you were writing, i never claimed you for anything. Let's not blow this topic out of proportion, I am just trying to help people the way I know how through my personal experience. I invite you to post your own thread remarking the importance of your diet.

    Appreciate it,
    If I met you in real life I'd buy you a drink


    Red Eagle likes this.
  20. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    I thought this was a post about attracting the opposite sex ? It turned into a debate about nutrition lol .