
Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by MAZED, Sep 8, 2018.

  1. MAZED

    MAZED Fapstronaut

    Hello guys, i am new here.. it has been going up and down for me when it comes to pmo. I have been sober for several weeks and also had period of times where i couldn't stop myself from this habit. I always thought it was never going to be an addiction.. but i guess it might be. I am looking forward to hear from you guys

  2. Salada

    Salada Fapstronaut

    Hey my friend. Great that you are launching in a new direction. But what exactly is the problem you are facing and where are you now compares to.where you want to be if 10 is success?
    MAZED likes this.
  3. MAZED

    MAZED Fapstronaut

    Hello there. I mean pmo has always been there. However i have gone a month and weeks without pmo. I relapsed some days ago.. and i am trying to get back to where i as before. I mean without pmo everything is so much better, i spent more time with family, walked more in public places, i had more energy and i could think more clearly. Overall a much much better person, and honestly i don't why i relapsed.. because it didn't feel like an addiction anymore.

    I think i need a partner in life.. i am 19 and i have other dreams as well and i know relationship takes a lot of your time as well. I am willing to spend that time i rs. But anyways atm I am trying to get rid of pmo forever, and i know rest will get better

    I would say 6... i felt like i was on 8 or maybe 9. I will hit the gym tmrow and try to keep myself busy.. hopefully things will get better