Hello everyone

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by deXter135, Mar 28, 2017.

  1. deXter135

    deXter135 New Fapstronaut

    Hi everbody, my name is Martijn, i'm 19 years old. I watch porn mostly twice a day, and because I saw this video on youtube, I am afraid it will influence my sexual performance. I have a girlfriend and we have a great sex life, but i'm feeling the eager for more. I hope this community can help me.
    Don Gately likes this.
  2. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

    What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?
  3. esforzado

    esforzado Fapstronaut

    OK, Martijn, it is important to have a reason when quitting, a good reason, a reason that is important to you. This habit is a habit we probably would not quit unless it had some bad repercussions in our lives. Cigarette smokers would not quit if it did not affect them adversely. They lose lung capacity and eventually get cancer. There are all kinds of bad results from using porn all the time. From PIED (porn induced erectile dysfunction) to social interaction problems.
    "When I quit, I quit. I did not count the days, I woke up every morning and said to myself I am never going back". I think that is the mindset you must have.