Hello again

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Adam boi, Oct 23, 2018.

  1. Adam boi

    Adam boi New Fapstronaut

    G'day everyone,
    I am happy to once again attempt to become part of this community of self-improvers all here to move away from pmo.

    I was on here a while ago, probably about 3 quarters of a year, in a similar situation. But I stopped giving a fuck about going on this site. Tonight when I masturbated I finally had enough, and decided that I need to change some things in my life. I'm underperforming in school compared to what I know I'm capable of, I'm not really growing and I'm 16 so I need to get back on top of fitness and overall health, and my motivation to do well in school and my ability to be patient and see how doing well in school will affect me in the long run, has died. I want to set down the ground rules for my life in regards to sex quite early. Another thing, I'm quite religious, I love my philosophy and I'm quite interested in the human mind. I also happen to be a practicing Muslim, so that's another thing, although masturbation isn't considered as bad as adultery in Islam, it's still a minor sin (no, I'm not going to hell (actually I can't say that, not my decision))and I don't like how I could look at some girl and then imagine that person doing something that, had they known I was thinking about, probably would've vomited on the spot.
    I'm a heavy advocate for people exploring sex however they wish, always have been growing up in western society, however I really wish that that girl I have a crush on at work could creep away from the sexual bounds of my mind and back to the area that appreciates her for the thing that attracts me to her, her personality.

    I really just want to see what happens when I give up such a dirty habit, I know how incredibly hard it is because I've been on this road before, but that's not the point. The point is that I've matured enough now to want this even more.

    Basically, this was an introduction to me, this is the beginning of my journey, and I kinda just wanted to say good luck to everyone young or old, from everywhere who wants to break this addiction as well.
    torrace likes this.
  2. torrace

    torrace Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing! May you conquer this bad habit one day at time!
    Adam boi likes this.