Has anyone experienced pain in the reproductive glands?

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by onebookperweek, Mar 13, 2016.

  1. onebookperweek

    onebookperweek Fapstronaut

    I watched a video in which a guy who is studying Eastern medicine said that the idea of reaching an "orgasm", yet retaining the semen (i.e. edging, or another way which he discussed) is not good for one's health. The reason, is that the semen in that case has already been released, and ends up remaining in the urethra.

    Now, I had reached the same conclusion, in an intuitive way. Yet, on this journey, I have ended up "edging" a few times (yet, this is still the longest that I have gone, in ten years!).

    My question is: Is pain experienced in the reproductive glands a result of such edging? Meaning, that the semen has basically been "released", yet remains in the urethra.
  2. Some of it might get released in urethra when edging, sure. But so as when ejaculating. So it does not make any sense to say edging is worse than ejaculating cos of this reason. It won't just sit there and clog your urethra lol.

    You could experience some pain in your genitals due to too much blood that is rushing there but are not released. It's often called blue balls. It can be felt in more regions of genitals than just balls tho. So that's one type of pain. Another type of pain, in your penis, in urethra, might be sore/burning kind of feeling that happens when you get infection there. Can edging cause infection due to semen staying in urethra? Maybe, probably not tho. I mean, your urethra cleans itself. Plus cum is kinda supposed to be there occasionally. I don't see why would that be harmful.

    Also, there is a practice to orgasm without ejaculating outwards by squeezing something to stop ejaculation. That may cause retrograde ejaculation where your ejaculation is forced to go in bladder because it can not get out, cos you block the way by squeezing muscles there or penis. As much as I know it is not harmful tho.

    That's just what I have learned so far. Not a medic myself.

    What was the video you watched? Care to share a link? I'm kinda curious myself to see what kind of points that guy makes and what he is basing his conclusions on. Maybe learn something new.
    onebookperweek likes this.
  3. onebookperweek

    onebookperweek Fapstronaut

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2016
  4. He's certainly right that retrograde ejaculation does not retain semen, it just redirects it to bladder. So you might as well let it come out the right way. As far as claim that squeezing something to cause retrograde ejaculation and that way damaging prostate or urethra by, applying physical force to where it is not supposed to be applied, makes a lot of sense to me. I mean, it is certainly unnatural way how to do it. Very high physical pressure are not supposed to be applied there and might cause some kind of damage if one keeps doing it. I know people who have retrograde ejaculation "naturally" (by naturally I mean not self induced) because of their damaged urethra canal.

    Your urethra cleans itself tho. So if normal, small amounts of semen happen to leak there from edging it won't cause any problems. Just like some small amount will always be left there after ejaculation as well. What he is talking about this video is if your WHOLE LOAD ends up staying there. Which, I agree sounds logical, that it might cause inflammation, blockade and other bad stuff. At the post above I said that as much as I know retrograde ejaculation is not harmful because that's what I've read doctors write. But it might be, if all or majority of ejaculation stays in urethra and not goes into bladder, if that's even possible. I guess we need to look at all conditions present not just generalize when we talk about those things. I wouldn't just on assuming that this guy is completely right about this either tho.

    But basically I agree with this guy for the most part. I think you misinterpreted what he said here. He never mentions anything about edging. He is talking about damage cause by unnatural physical force applied there. A little leak of semen from edging certainly can not cause any blockade either. I would say edge along boy lol.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2016
  5. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    edging is masturbation...you get your dopamine fix..is your goal is to eliminate porn watching only?
    onebookperweek likes this.
  6. onebookperweek

    onebookperweek Fapstronaut

    Well, I would like to stop masturbation as well. But, unfortunately, I have not been able to stop edging.
  7. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    Actually, edging has been found to be worse for addicts than just regular MO or PMO because it is a continuous stream of dopamine to your brain instead of just one "release". Also, edging is scientifically proven to cause "coves" of sorts to develop in your urethra that which in turn will break off and cause severe pain and damage.

    Hope this helps! For more info on edging and such, go to yourbrainonporn.com
    onebookperweek likes this.