Female nofapper

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by TTStop, Nov 29, 2018.

  1. TTStop

    TTStop New Fapstronaut

    I'm female, 33 and ready to stop this.


    -I do not want to contribute to this industry. I do not know who I am hurting by clicking on these videos. I do not know who these women are it their reasons for being involved in this industry. I feel its destructive and exploitative and am concerned about the constant that I am viewing, even from apparently normal and mainstream sites.

    -I want to stop self objectifying. I tend to imagine myself as the female. The female is always being acted on and is an object.

    -I do not know if these women are of a reasonable age. Even in seemingly free and normal sites it is impossible to tell and there seems to be an obsession with young women. It concerns me, but when watching I look for the kink rather than the age.

    -I want to enjoy sex for sex and not consider the images I have seen, which are becoming more extreme.

    -I want to find more productive and positive ways of managing underlying emotional issues. I think I'm using it as a self soothing technique.

    I'm ready to take back sex and take back other parts of my life. I want out of this seedy and unpleasent world. I have tried a number of times, but unsuccessfully. I think porn is stifling the potential of me associating sex with emotional connection. I've come here form some support and, hopefully, to connect with others with similar issues. I'm ready yo change many negative aspects of my life and be the person I should. Its really hard to do.
  2. Just Rose

    Just Rose Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Welcome! The women's in reboot section might be of help for you.
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