Exercises to help me not care what people think ?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Kman20, May 1, 2018.

  1. Kman20

    Kman20 Fapstronaut

    You don’t truly live until you stop caring people think. I want to make this a habit of mine so I can truly live without caring so much about others opinions and fearing them. Does anyone have this mindset already and can truly say they don’t care what people ? Mind you I believe there is difference between not caring about peoples negative opinions about you and being an asshole, I’m aiming for the former here lol. What exercises or things could I do to get like this ? Thanks for reading :).
    Nugget9 likes this.
  2. lion188

    lion188 Fapstronaut

    Watch this , may that helps you :
  3. thetrueman

    thetrueman Fapstronaut

    From what I know, if you don't wanna care about what people think (and you shouldn't), you have to GENUINELY not care. For example, if you find a bunch of people staring at you, you might feel they have thoughts about you or they wanna say something about you. In that case don't even look at them, just focus on what you are doing. This life of yours is your own, not theirs. So don't fill your life up with what other people may think, life is too short for that BS.
    Awakeatlast likes this.
  4. CrimsnBlade

    CrimsnBlade Fapstronaut

    You have to be confident in yourself. Take a moment to say to yourself who you think you are, and who you want to be. Repeat those things to yourself everyday, and use them as your anchor. If you know who you are, other people's opinions of you won't matter much, because deep down you know you roots, and no one can change them.

    Part of it is realizing that you're stronger than you think.
  5. I don't understand questions like these.

    My believe is you'll NEVER know what people think, unless your psychic with telepathic abilities and can take a look inside someones head.

    What people say doesn't always have to correlate with what they are thinking. Sometimes, if someone expresses a comment, they actually could be thinking the opposite.

    Maybe what you really want is to become more independent. Maybe you have a habit of expecting some kind of affirmation from other people for everything you do.

    By asking questions like these, you're basically asking us to tell you how to live your life.

    I hope you get what I'm saying.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 2, 2018
    Kman20 likes this.
  6. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    You know, last weekend I was at a hunting tradefair (don't ask me how I got there since I'm a vegetarian, it was work-related) with some crazy former colleagues of mine. Especially two of them. It was a perfectly serious tradefair, but one of them slid down the handrail of the stairs and laid down on the floor between suffed animals. Later both of them each took a tiny pine twig from a table. Then they crawled on the floor holding it in front of their face, acting like they used them for camouflage. I had mixed feelings of embarassment and love for them.

    These two genuinely do not care what people think of them.

    I suppose you also want to stop caring regarding the bigger challenges of life, but why not start with the little things? You could lay down on a busy street, dance in public, or do stuff like that. There was a Youtube channel with a guy who did exactly this, unfortunately I don't remember the name.

    In general, I guess you can make progress by thinking about whether you would act differently if all these people weren't there. Just act like they weren't, and you will be yourself instead of surrendering to society's expectations.
    sparkz, Kman20 and Hitto like this.
  7. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    People are easily swayed by the opinions of others when they don't have a strong sense of self worth / respect / love / purpose / reality.

    When you place more importance on something other than the opinions of others, then you won't care.

    If you thought playing with dogs was a fun thing to do, would a group of guys saying negative things about people that play with dogs really sway you?

    "Only idiots play with dogs. Omg look at that loser playing with dogs. People that play with dogs are fucking dumb."

    Lol.... it just wouldn't affect you because you're so certain that playing with dogs is a fun thing to do.

    So if you do or say something without much certainty and someone comes a long and gives you a negative opinion about it... you're basically looking for approval.

    "Omg omg... this isn't an acceptable thing to do? Yeah, it's stupid. Sorry for placing value on my desires and myself."
    Kiriakos likes this.
  8. Kiriakos

    Kiriakos Fapstronaut

    Ditto to everything @elevate said.

    So . . . Not trying to be an asshole with technicalities, but not caring what anybody thinks makes you not just an asshole, but possibly a psychopath. I know that isn't what you meant but here is the way I think of it:

    The problem isn't worrying about what others think, that is the symptom. The problem is having a negative perception of yourself. (I say you, but I'm speaking from my own experience) Then the fear comes from paranoia that everyone else sees you the same way you see yourself.

    Most people aren't that judgmental. Are you constantly judging everyone everywhere you go? Probably not. Furthermore, judgmental people are the most insecure of all and have to judge others to make themselves feel better. Those are toxic people and you are better off without them.

    So yeah, like other people on this thread have already said along these lines: reassure yourself with your strengths. Everyone has situations where they are badasses, and others where they are nobodies who don't excel at all. Just don't be hard on yourself in those situations.
    Deleted Account and Kman20 like this.
  9. You'll have to accept that people always will have their own opinion. There is no such thing as a negative or positive opinion. That's what our minds tries to make of it. It's just an opinion.

    Yeah sure, some people can make rude and braindead comments towards you. I too, can't stand it. But it doesn't mean those people are out to get you. An exercise could be confronting those people and telling them you don't like that. Unless your dealing with toxic people or bullies, those people do it on purpose. Like someone said above, you should avoid people like that so you won't have to deal with that kind of behaviour.

    From my experience, the people who walk around all the time with a " I truly don't give a **** " attitude are usually the ones who care the most about other peoples opinion. Ironic.

    Oh and do you truly want to stop caring about that? I mean Social Anxiety is one thing but stopping caring altogether about others opinions wouldn't make you fun to be around. :eek:
    Last edited by a moderator: May 3, 2018
    Kman20 likes this.
  10. Thanks for posting that man. I checked he's youtube page and hehas like 400 videos on NoFap. I may (or may not) watch one video of his a day but I think it would be motivational and good to stay in the NoFap mind set.
  11. lion188

    lion188 Fapstronaut

    I'm glad you liked the content , good luck mate ;)
  12. ele7ven

    ele7ven Fapstronaut


    This is an old book, for some it seems outdated or full of clichés, but it helped me a lot. Examples and descriptions are vivid, and although Carnagie's works are so many years old, I belive they can still change lives. :)

    Kman20 likes this.
  13. Kman20

    Kman20 Fapstronaut

    Thank you :)