Exercise - A Way to Express Ourselves

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Jan 20, 2019.

  1. I think exercise, is not all about having a good body and different kind of stuffs. I realized that it can also be used as a way of expressing our selves. We always tend to feel like we are holdin back even though we are really not. I realized that there are some aspects of our lives that need our dedication and our passion, not only doing anything out of trend. I express my love for my body by using it. I take a walk every morning, or whenever possible, and enjoy a different dimension of my life. By simply walking, putting my mind on it, the whole universe changes its shape like I have never seen before. I love walking. It gives me time to enjoy life, however chaotic it may seem, however lovely it is. How about you? What things do you love doing? What activities make you feel full and shining? Share us some of your thoughts if you don't mind.
  2. JourneyMan16

    JourneyMan16 Fapstronaut

    Near my house there is a elementary school that has this wide open field. Every once and a while I go to that field at night and run some sprints so I can train for football, but the main event at that field is the beautiful sky. Sometimes when I'm resting I just lay down and stare straight into space and absorb all the sounds around me. It really just slows everything down, quite odd.
  3. Marik757

    Marik757 Fapstronaut

    Got back into the gym myself an few days ago. Feeling good about it so far, and the DOMS post workout always feel good ha. It tells me I've been working hard.

    I just dont want to get to the point where it becomes my life, and I start neglecting my friends. I've done that before, and missed out on social hangouts. Was too focused and self-centered on myself that I didn't want to go out because of things such as: would mess up my diet, sleep schedule, etc...
  4. Exercise does every bit as much for my mental well-being as my physical. I agree that solitary walks can be great, actually. There is something about it.

    Weirdly I pretty much never get DOMS, even though I do put in effort and my form is strict (controlled eccentric movement). I get plenty of acute muscle soreness, though.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. bondong96

    bondong96 Fapstronaut

    There is an elementary school near my house that I go to with a big field to sprint and do plyometric drills for track and when the sun is shining it is so beautiful. I always love training there by myself as I can focus on myself and appreciate everything around me
  6. I think exercise can be used to explore our physical nature and possibly also our inner nature. Every movement can be used for meditation or exploring the nature of our bodies and subtle bodies. Even simple exercises, like walking or running, can helps us develop awareness.
    bondong96 likes this.