Disappointed of myself :(

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Woody4, Mar 11, 2015.

  1. Woody4

    Woody4 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,

    So I reached day 9 of this journey to nofap, so far it has been going incredibly well! Until lately I have been eating crap food/junk food, I never really eat bad food and am normally a very healthy guy.

    This is a problem as when I eat and drink right I feel good on the inside and outside, so of tomorrow I am going to put a stop to all of this by eating healthy and drinking plenty green tea and water. I will also be adding a routine into my journey to help me overcome this habit.

    My new routine:

    Monday - 50-100 squats/20-30 push ups before bed
    Tuesday - football training in evening (1hour running)
    Wednesday - go out for run (20-30minutes)
    Thursday - 50-100 squats/20-30 push ups before bed
    Friday - 50-100 squats/20-30 push ups before bed
    Saturday - football game (1h30m)
    Sunday - day off

    Amount of exercise a week = 4hours 30minutes

    Plus eating well and drinking plenty of water will make me more happy and I will hopefully tuck this habit to bed :)
  2. JensDK42

    JensDK42 Guest

    Cool plan you got there, I might steal it at some point ;D
  3. Ics2000

    Ics2000 Fapstronaut

    Plan sounds great! I'm doing something similar - but working up to more and more push ups every other day. Almost like another tracker while I track my no porn use.