Difficulty as I near the end

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by phantomstranger, Apr 13, 2017.

  1. phantomstranger

    phantomstranger Fapstronaut

    I said about six weeks ago that I was going to give up PM for Lent, and now that Lent is almost at an end, I'm feeling real pressure to masturbate. I'll admit, though, that these urges began a few days ago when I heard a news story about the benefits of masturbation in preventing prostate cancer. I was curious about the story so I Googled the topic and found several reputable medical websites touting this information. At that point I started thinking that maybe it was okay if I masturbated once in a while for these health reasons. But then I started wondering if I could limit myself to "once in a while." After all, probably due in part that my wife and I no longer have a sex life and in part due to my anxious nature, I do tend to masturbate whenever I have some free time on my hands, pun not intended. If I'm at home by myself, which is quite often since I work part-time, and I'm not busy with something else, I tend to find myself lying on the bed or on the bathroom floor taking care of myself. And although I don't always masturbate to porn, I had been increasingly using porn to substitute for an absent wife.

    I want to make it through Lent without giving in to PM, with the hopes that I can also make it through the Easter season as well. That'll give me nearly 90 days of rebooting that I can be grateful for. I just ask for your prayers that I can find the God-given strength to continue down the path of recovery. And I'll keep you in my prayers as well as we approach the great celebration of Easter. Thank you.
  2. J247

    J247 Fapstronaut

    It's all good you gave up PMO for Lent, but that's exactly why a lot of people suggest not using it to abstain from addictions because it does have an end point.
    Either way, congrats on making it this far into your journey. I hope you do have the strength to continue, and a happy early Easter!
  3. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    Eat more catholic fish dinners.