Can't put a stop to it.(short introduction)

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by blruskins, Mar 28, 2019.

  1. blruskins

    blruskins New Fapstronaut

    Hello, I'm 29 and have a problem with excessive masturbation... 2-5 times daily. I have tried pornblockers, I'm currently using qustiodo(sp?) I do well for a bit sometimes a week or more. The reason I'm posting here is because even if I don't have porn I still participate way more than I'd like. there was a time I even had problems at work because of it. anyway, hello, I'd like to meet some people and find a support group.
    220woof671 likes this.
  2. 220woof671

    220woof671 Fapstronaut

    No problem -- sound like you are a normal male, with a normal sex drive. Just need to get rid of the porn
    and get a real woman-wife.

    It is good you are taking proactive steps to fix your concern (; free parental control software blocks pornography). It is also very good that you do well for a week or more -- that show self-control; or your ability to "self-monitor" and make choices that line up with the real you (your goals).

    I was just tempted to PMO about an hour ago........ here's what I did:
    1. Flee the area ........ (a.k.a. change the scenery).......... u-s-e distractions -- hobbies [went and worked on my car].... then brushed my teeth [positive self-care] ......... then did some aerobic exercises (any kind of exercise is good)..... after about 30--40 minutes [total time] I was okay. The key thing is flee the area or change the picture!!!

    "Cardiovascular Exercises and Aerobics -- increases the release of the chemicals endorphins, adrenaline, serotonin and dopamine in your body."

    Had to double check on the above....... BUT ISN'T THAT GREAT NEWS ! You can make yourself HAPPY.......
    AND GET FIT........ just by doing some simple exercises :)

    I find it helpful to read the "Success Stories" and copy and paste their tips onto a List on my word processor.

    Good luck :)
