Advice for dating, cause hating small boobs

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Jonny1992, May 7, 2019.

  1. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut

    Hello Guys.

    I am not sure if this forum thread is right. But I need an advice and opinion.

    In my example, I would like to have a gf. But thanks to porn my standards are very high. Although I am not the best looking man.

    For example I hate small boobs. The girl can have a good heart and be perfect. But when I see she has small, or ugly boobs, my brain says: Bye bye!

    I feel like I am a shallow towards girls.
    I don’t want to be shallow. For example a few female friend hug me, while I am sitting and resting my hands on there boobs.

    I deeply loved it an feel comfort. Calm in my mind and heart, feel loved. The bigger the boobs the better, but to big is not comfortable.

    But I feel irritated. When a girl says she wants a big dick in relationship, everybody says that are sexual needs, it is alright.

    If I say I want big boobs, I am a jerk.

    Well I don’t fall in love with small breasted women. Don’t feel attracted to them.

    Is it normal? An answer would be nice.
  2. ClickClickBoom

    ClickClickBoom Fapstronaut

    With all honesty

    Well porn does that to us men.

    Very superficial and shallow

    You said you don't want to be shallow but your mindset says otherwise, you can't just stop being shallow that's something that takes a lot of soul searching and personal growth to achieve.

    So in your mind when a girl says she wants a big dick she irritates but when you say you hate women with small tits its alright?
    Double standard right there.

    If it makes you happy then go for it

    You should probably worry less about the looks and more about the person.
    Beauty fades.

    But in the end of the day it's your own story and its about what you want, just giving my opinion.

    Best wishes,
  3. Deadlihood

    Deadlihood Fapstronaut

    Your homemade DBZ avatar encompasses every possible feeling I’ve ever had about this forum, ever.
    Deleted Account and Jonny1992 like this.
  4. Freedom_from_PMO

    Freedom_from_PMO Fapstronaut

    Lower your standards.

    Porn shrinked your dating pool, you might miss great opportunities or start a relationship with a woman you don't have much in common but are sexually attracted to.

    You are not shallow, you don't want to be like this, you just have warped standards, continue reboot.

    Women who have impossibly high standards are shallow and guys who defend that are white knights. If you are shallow it should not matter if you are a guy or a girl. Everybody have standards and looks matters, it is a lie to say otherwise, but having to high standards is not only shallow but ultimatively it makes you miss lots of great opportunities.

    Stay on nofap and see what will happen.

    PS. Touching girls boobs is very intimate thing. Don't rush with that in a relationship or you might scare the girl.
    sfmark12 and Jonny1992 like this.
  5. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut

    Thank you very much for your honest opinion. And also the direct form and the respect form. Such comments help alot. Thank you.

    I will work on my mind. And what I meant with girls and bigger dicks was, that I read this a lot in the forums and internet that guys are jerk when they want girls with a bigger chest or something else. But if a women wishes something than this is ok. It feels kinda unfair.

    But you are right, it will take time to change. Thank you for your honest words.

    Good luck and success for your way against PMO.

    Thanks dude
    ClickClickBoom likes this.
  6. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut

    Good words, thank you for the kind way.
    I will continue with the reboot and look what will happen. And read books about relationship and what other members writing on nofap.

    I never touched boobs with my hands, there were resting my head on their chest. Kinda addictive thou.
  7. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut

    That made me laugh so hard. Thank you. You are the first who comments on my Profilpicture.
  8. Lost my virginity to my friend who had big beautiful boobs about 7 years ago. All I can say is treasure them while they are in your life, don't take them for granted or let them slip away. I know what you mean. I remember the warmth and softness they have to them.

    But over the years I had a relationships with girls who had smaller breasts and it didn't matter to me, but hey we are who we are. Men and woman both have standards this day in age especially for sex appeal, that's why some times it so difficult to find the right person.

    Other then that man I root for you to find that gal. Good luck!
    Ra's Al Ghul and Jonny1992 like this.
  9. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut

    Hey man, that was very nice. Thank you for understanding my feelings. You just gave me a mental big boob hug :D.

    But it also calms me to know, everyone had standards. And even when the girls has smaller boobs, it won’t matter that much. :D thanks a lot. Kinda funny for a Sayajin like you to be interested in stuff like this. Usually you are interested in training, getting stronger and fights :p

    I keep rebooting. And see how I and my heart will develop.
  10. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut

    I need to add something. It is great that a man like you, although fighting against PMO have a high moral.

    Good man
  11. "Insert Vegeta voice"
    Well.. Other then talking about boobs on this forum brotherrr. I weight lift about twice week and do cardio on the side days, so I'm fairly active. I train to become the prince of all Saiyans!
    Jonny1992 likes this.
  12. Tits are like pizza even when bad are pretty good.
    Deleted Account and Jonny1992 like this.
  13. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut

    Sometimes i thought, flat chested woman are like alcohol free beer, not befuddling.

    It is mean, many woman having a great heart, that is more comfortable then big boobs. It is so. But I don’t want to be superficial and now jokes are coming. :D

    I am working on myself.
  14. SpoonDog

    SpoonDog Fapstronaut

    At first I thought that's a pretty shallow view to have. But on reflection, women discriminating against short men is considered perfectly socially acceptable, so this isn't really much different...
    Deleted Account and Jonny1992 like this.
  15. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut

    Hey, finally someone understand what I meant with big dick example.
  16. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut

    I don’t know a woman who wants to bow to kiss their husband. Even a woman denied me cause she is 5,9“ and I am 5,8“.

    And nobody said that she is shallow.
  17. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut

    Or the woman itself are shallow.
  18. ClickClickBoom

    ClickClickBoom Fapstronaut

    Friend if we don't take measures to improve ourselves no one else will, we all have our story and our own hardships we are all different from one another, but in end we are all here becouse we have something in common, we let ourselves fall victims to pornography and instant gratification and that alone evolved into different issues in our lives, but the fact that we are here means that we want to become better human being and improve ourselves.
    In my opinion improving ourselves starts with our morals. To me morals are like the pillars of a bridge, if they are weak the bridge will eventually crumble but if they are strong the bridge will be able to withstand any weight placed upon it.
    Doing soul searching is important because eventually we are able to find our flaws, and if we know our flaws we can take measures to correcting them.
    It's a long and hard process but in the end the results are undeniable.
    In the end of the day nothing worthwhile comes easy.
    Sorry for the rant.

    Best wishes,
    Jonny1992 likes this.
  19. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut

    Very good example with the bridge and the pillars. Touched my heart, thank you.

    And of the rant. Naaaah, I also rants sometimes people. I don’t want to be angry on you, or somethink else ;).

    You are great a great man :D
    ClickClickBoom likes this.
  20. VictoryFormation88

    VictoryFormation88 Fapstronaut


    The large boob preference is interesting to note. Lust wise, I would say without a doubt that is my preference. However, I have never dated a girl with large boobs. I have gone on dates with them, but never dated. I am single now. If I am on the path to date and get married, I am curious how my preference for curvy girls is going to work out. Will I end up marrying one or not?

    In the different human domains, I believe that we have different capacities to interact with one another. This includes sexuality. This is all complex, and I hardly understand it--I am just trying to point out the complexity of human sexuality. Perhaps you need to give the big boob preference a second thought.

    I have noticed with the girls that I have dated and really bonded with (even loved), the last two were cute girls--blonde and round faces--but definitely not my optimal physical choice. But does that perfect girl ever really ever exist?

    My physical attraction to the girls grew over time as I fell further in love. It was a relationship first, physical attraction second type of relationship. And I had no problem being aroused by either--it just wasn't their boobs that were arousing me.

    We can put such a high precedence on physical attraction--especially on the obvious female features. But the truth is, we really don't understand sexuality all that well. Pheromones are another thing that I don't believe we understand well, and yet, I have been highly aroused by women who weren't my "go to" physical type. And it was for reasons beyond any physical explanation I could come up with.

    Find a girl you can fall in love with. Your attraction to her will grow. Also, keep in mind, when you start having kids, her boobs will get bigger ;)
    Deleted Account and Jonny1992 like this.