A Legend Reborn

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Deleted Account, Feb 27, 2015.

  1. It's been almost exactly a year ago since I finished the 90 days nofap challenge, so one could say that I'm a pretty experienced nofapper. One could say that I'm a pretty experienced fapper as well, since after the 90 days clean streak, the fall was long and hard.

    I left the site, and tried to forget about nofap, because I felt betrayed. There was a promise that everything will be fine, but in reality it was even worse than PMO.

    So if you want to know how can you do 90 days, in my signature, there is a link to my old journal, and there you can read like a hundred tips and tricks battling PMO, as well as my detailed experiences. A friendly warning: it's long as shit. But, you want to quit for real...right?

    Anyway, why am I here again? Since I left, the circumstances have changed, a lot. First and foremost, I'm no longer single, I've met a lovely young woman in a christian camp half a year ago, and after getting to know each other better, we started dating almost 3 months ago. All in all it's very promising, and after all that trouble I went through the recent years, it's safe to say that I deserved it. But since I have a gf now, the idea of quitting PMO has arisen again, and I decided to give it another shot.
    Also, in past times, I was abeginner christian, now I can say that I'm much more closer to God, and also know much more about the christian lifestyle. Therefore, it is natural, that we wait with sex until marriage. I just mention this, to be clear, I will not have an outlet.

    What else...? My goal is to not masturbate again. Quitting porn is a nobrainer. I will have a thread in the 25-29 section, and I will primarily focus on finding a way or method to negate or at least easy the magnitude of the emotional moodswings, because that was unbearable the last time, and led to my ultimate relapse.
    Feel free to follow.
