Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by 2525, Nov 7, 2017.


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  1. franed98

    franed98 Fapstronaut

    excited for another day of NoFap
  2. Day 2: done.
    Day 3: In progress...
  3. mailsnew

    mailsnew Fapstronaut


    WARRIORMAN Fapstronaut

    Well done Mike

    Day 52/60 here
  5. nikhil_ether

    nikhil_ether Fapstronaut

  6. Sebbrix

    Sebbrix Fapstronaut

    This will be day 13/60. Would post later but I'll be busy all day because I ASKED MY CRUSH ON A DATE TOMORROW AND THEY SAID YES OMG I'M SO HAPPY THIS WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED IF I WASN'T DOING NoFap THANK YOU SO MUCH (basically I gotta get everything properly ready so I'm going to be out of the house all day)
  7. Maxxx

    Maxxx Fapstronaut

  8. Addict23

    Addict23 Fapstronaut

  9. franed98

    franed98 Fapstronaut

    wow day 19. Thank you nofap.com.
  10. franed98

    franed98 Fapstronaut

    well done.teach me your ways.
    tyrrjay and Robbo-seeking-life like this.
  11. Robbo-seeking-life

    Robbo-seeking-life Fapstronaut NoFap Defender


    WARRIORMAN Fapstronaut

    Well done brother . Stay at it . The juice is worth the squeeze .

    Day 53/60
  13. planters1987

    planters1987 Fapstronaut

  14. spaces

    spaces Fapstronaut

    Day 6/60
    mailsnew and franed98 like this.
  15. 14/60, going strong. :)
    mailsnew, spaces and tyrrjay like this.
  16. mailsnew

    mailsnew Fapstronaut

    Day 47/60
    spaces and tyrrjay like this.
  17. tyrrjay

    tyrrjay Fapstronaut

    Day 25/60 really have a strong craving for sex lately, I'm hoping it's pretty much a passing cloud, cause as much as sex is great, I think it's best with the right person.
    spaces and mailsnew like this.