Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by YoungPiccolo, Jan 1, 2019.

  1. niceguy97

    niceguy97 Fapstronaut

  2. YoungPiccolo

    YoungPiccolo Fapstronaut

    YAAAAAAHHHHH MY BOIII! WE BACK IN THIS BITCH! I just came back from a 3 week holiday in Ghana and I haven't relapsed due to being surrounded by family, but now the REAL BATTLE BGINS!!!!! LEGOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
    Someone B and niceguy97 like this.
  3. niceguy97

    niceguy97 Fapstronaut

    im startin to meet some of my family, hopefully that'd also help : P
    Someone B likes this.
  4. YoungPiccolo

    YoungPiccolo Fapstronaut

    Hope all goes well with that. I unfortunately relapsed. It was like I lost control for a split second, I want it back so bad now. I want my strength back. I'm going harder now!
    niceguy97 likes this.
  5. Someone B

    Someone B Fapstronaut

    Long time no see dudes, how are you ? Still struggle I suppose... Like me
    I don't know (or don't remember) the main reason why you're doing this. Personnally it's to find the old me or find a better myself. Weird to say that but I had a streak of more than 2 weeks and when I relapse... Damn it was awesome the sensation, bad habits make me look porn again... but I feel really great and I want to find this sensation again. To do that I have to not masturbate and to not watch porn
    niceguy97 and YoungPiccolo like this.
  6. Someone B

    Someone B Fapstronaut

    I don't know if I have been clear ^^' I mean the fact of masturbation, becaues I wasn't touched myself for a "long time" doing it again was great but look porn to do that was a bad habit...
    niceguy97 and YoungPiccolo like this.
  7. YoungPiccolo

    YoungPiccolo Fapstronaut

    Hey man, we're all great, getting better too. I hope you feel the same. Yes releasing feels good, buy masturbation and porn itself is not a good thing. What I've learnt these past couple of days is that your sexual energy is truly important, it's what makes you who you are, or it's a factor of you. I truly believe at this point I am free of masturbation and porn, all by the grace of God and the strengthening of my resolve and spirit. I am new. I am reborn. And you all will too.
    Someone B and niceguy97 like this.
  8. niceguy97

    niceguy97 Fapstronaut

    Ye we're gettin better but the struggle is still kinda real XD
    Someone B likes this.
  9. patd

    patd Fapstronaut

    Hello, guys I'm back. Strike on zero. Felt like it was a way out of stress. It helped but I want to came back on a good track. I'm getting for the rest of the year at least this time. Small steps: I'm gonna check here on Friday. Remember we can do it! Join me!
    niceguy97, YoungPiccolo and Someone B like this.
  10. Someone B

    Someone B Fapstronaut

    I've came to a point where I duno if I have to trust in myself or not. This ain't a quote it's me (at least I think XD) : the key to beat our sick brain is to trust in ourself but to doubt in yourself...

    OK so explanation : I mean that our brain is sick... for example I just look some porn images today and my brain was like "damn man look at those..." and I was like "yeah I see my eyes are open dumbass".

    Brain : man beat your meat once on this, imagine those (censored for your good) ... ok ?
    Me : yep I could do that, I'll do... no I won't why you say that will feel good...

    Ok this ain't clear I think x) the fact is that I try to not masturbate the most I can to feel this real sensation of release but my brain want to fap in the bad way... I have to trust the way I want to fap (no porn just for our own) but I doubt the way I could done it, cuz today was porn ok but I slide in a way that I imagine some ecchi or anime picture ain't porn but is it : it's just a by-product...
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2019
    niceguy97 likes this.
  11. patd

    patd Fapstronaut

    Yeah I feel the same @Someone B but it's changing after some time. I promise. After few months of abstinence I want to go back to that state. I felt freeminded and nicely.
    niceguy97 and Someone B like this.
  12. YoungPiccolo

    YoungPiccolo Fapstronaut

    You've got this my friend, stay headstrong! No matter what, you must push on. Never give up. Find ways to help alleviate the stress of sexual urges, as men we will always feel horny, always feel the need to fuck; it is in our NATURE. But we can NUTURE ourselves to not go with this desperate sense of NATURE. Releasing our sexual energy daily is making us weak, keeping it in can make us strong. So stay headstrong my friend, we are all here for you. This is a brotherhood!
    niceguy97 and Someone B like this.
  13. YoungPiccolo

    YoungPiccolo Fapstronaut

    Welcome back! Glad to see a familar face around!
    niceguy97, patd and Someone B like this.
  14. Someone B

    Someone B Fapstronaut

    Just released ... damn it. I won't give up but damn it's hard to fight this fake daily needing mood to fuck...
    YoungPiccolo and niceguy97 like this.
  15. patd

    patd Fapstronaut

    @Someone B maybe try instead typing P site take a look for our forum and think if it's worth it
    YoungPiccolo, niceguy97 and Someone B like this.
  16. Someone B

    Someone B Fapstronaut

    Actually I have a list of all shit porn site that I found (but I found this pre maked list before too) and I put in on a plugin on my browser and automatically porn site detected I'll be redirected on nofap. Cool huh ? but it doesn't have password so I can overcome it if the urge is too strong...
    niceguy97 and patd like this.
  17. patd

    patd Fapstronaut

    Awesome @Someone B! I think that password is not necessary because if you want to change at some point you will not want to break it. Just last some time and I guarantee you that. I'm at this point where I come back to the beginning but my mind feel so shitty that I want to have at least one month strike at my counter.
    niceguy97 and Someone B like this.
  18. niceguy97

    niceguy97 Fapstronaut

    O crap the amigos r back :3
    YoungPiccolo, patd and Someone B like this.
  19. patd

    patd Fapstronaut

    @niceguy97 hello bro <3 let's go prepare your good strikes because we're heading for glory
    YoungPiccolo and niceguy97 like this.
  20. YoungPiccolo

    YoungPiccolo Fapstronaut

    Legooo guys, oh shit I forgot to mention that I turned 19 July 4th this year, so I should probably change the title of this forum
    niceguy97 and patd like this.