Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by YoungPiccolo, Jan 1, 2019.

  1. PeterBE

    PeterBE Fapstronaut

    Almost back to day 1.

    Also I got 2 interesting books I would recommend to every 1 here who wants to change himself 1550371790484411705774.jpg
    niceguy97 and Someone B like this.
  2. niceguy97

    niceguy97 Fapstronaut

    OMGGGG bro I've been so happy the past few days, so many awesome surprises and I've had a smile on my face almost all day long!!
    patd and Someone B like this.
  3. niceguy97

    niceguy97 Fapstronaut

    I think imma take a look over the summer, I already have a pile of books that I'm tryna get through, might add it on top of them too!
  4. Someone B

    Someone B Fapstronaut

    @PeterBE do you know if these book exist but translated in french ? (I'm French so but I can read english, but I already read pretty slow, at least I think it's that, so if I read a book that's not in my native language ^^' )
    Tomorrow I'll know if I'm ranked or not in my university contest, I am stressed out.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2019
    niceguy97 likes this.
  5. patd

    patd Fapstronaut

    niceguy97 likes this.
  6. PeterBE

    PeterBE Fapstronaut

    https://www.amazon.com/Plus-malin-q.../ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr= j'ai trouvé cel-ci mais il est dure donc je ne sais pas si tu vas l'acheter
    niceguy97 and Someone B like this.
  7. Someone B

    Someone B Fapstronaut

    C'est pas grave, merci quand même d'avoir cherché pour moi @PeterBE
    niceguy97 likes this.
  8. niceguy97

    niceguy97 Fapstronaut

  9. letsgetthisbrot

    letsgetthisbrot Fapstronaut

    Hey! I'm trying to be part of this challenge, although I literally start today! (Is that even possible?) Et moi j'adore le francais! J'apprenais la langue depuis 4 ans et le creole haitien est ma langue natale!
    Someone B, patd and niceguy97 like this.
  10. niceguy97

    niceguy97 Fapstronaut

    yuh defo possible : P
    I've been learning for a lil over 4 yrs but still struggled understanding that XD
    letsgetthisbrot likes this.
  11. letsgetthisbrot

    letsgetthisbrot Fapstronaut

    XD!!! LOL Ok then let's do this challenge and LETS GET THIS BROT
    niceguy97 likes this.
  12. letsgetthisbrot

    letsgetthisbrot Fapstronaut

    Do I have to quote you or something for you to get a notification?
    niceguy97 likes this.
  13. patd

    patd Fapstronaut

    @letsgetthisbrot Hey man welcome on board! Just mark the guy who you are talking to. You can also talk to all of us so no need marking ;) If you want to quote someone you have this button on the right side of the statement.

    43 days - hell of a road
    A lot changed in my life during this time. Last few days no more urges. Everything just look fine. I get rid of almost all my acne. Today I asked stranger for a phone number. She said of course yes ;) Giving up PMO gave me such a big confidence boost. I'm waiting for you guys to reach your goal!
    niceguy97 and letsgetthisbrot like this.
  14. letsgetthisbrot

    letsgetthisbrot Fapstronaut

    That's so interesting... so did you know that PMO was making you not have confidence? I've been into it for so long and even before I started puberty that I simply don't know what were my original inclinations to begin with.
    niceguy97 likes this.
  15. patd

    patd Fapstronaut

    @letsgetthisbrot I have this problem with hormonal acne for last 4 years. I discovered that it's linked with my fapping and also read many opinions about that in the Internet. Clearing up my skin gives me a huge confidence boost. I also felt guilty doing PMO. In my opinion that's what made me more ashamed in relations with others.
    Also find this advantages of nofap in this forum that motivate me a lot in bad moments:
  16. YoungPiccolo

    YoungPiccolo Fapstronaut

    I too struggled with hormonal acne, it's clearing up thanks to this journey.
    niceguy97, letsgetthisbrot and patd like this.
  17. niceguy97

    niceguy97 Fapstronaut

    Someone B likes this.
  18. niceguy97

    niceguy97 Fapstronaut

    I've been in a pretty good mood the past few days, really happy with that. I've also been trying to fix my sleeping schedule (drinkin straight black coffee rn lol), which may have also been helping with my mood.
    Today one of the benefits I've felt is.. maturity? Like I feel like I am more independent, I don't need someone by my side when I'm going to get smt if we're in a group. I've been generally feeling more mellow today.
    YoungPiccolo, Someone B and patd like this.
  19. letsgetthisbrot

    letsgetthisbrot Fapstronaut

    I want tht!!!! Okay this is day 1/2 for me! Lemme push thru!!
    YoungPiccolo and niceguy97 like this.
  20. Someone B

    Someone B Fapstronaut

    Hey dude (moi je suis français donc désolé si je fais des fautes où si j'emploie des expressions anglaises qui paraissent étranges, au pire je pense que vous connaissez Deepl ^^) yep you need to quote (multiple quote to notificate multiple persons at the same time) or reply to a message if you want to be sure that he receive an alert ;)
    niceguy97 likes this.