100+ days!! Be Vigilant!!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Folarin, May 16, 2017.

  1. Folarin

    Folarin Fapstronaut

    I was encouraged to come here and share based of the fact that I've passed 100 days with no PMO!! Some call it hard mode, I call it waiting till marriage. A lot of people my age have settled down and that has been my goal.
    This is why I guess, I don't feel like I've achieved anything.
    But that's selfish of me, I should be grateful and I should consider all the other members of our community who are going through the same struggle.
    The truth is - and I learnt very recently - that I can fall at any moment if I don't remain vigilant and disciplined.
    I don't want to go into detail, if you have the time you can read my other thread here but my journey has been from seeking sex to seeking God, from a physical stream of activities to a spiritual sense of well being.
    Ultimately, we don't have to do this thing alone, God is always there for us as we try to conquer each day.
    I hope you find Him and you reach you're goal, be vigilant!!
  2. Scott__Lives

    Scott__Lives Fapstronaut

    Congratulations Foralin!
  3. Napav

    Napav Fapstronaut

    Great going man. All the best!
  4. aburazi

    aburazi Fapstronaut

    You are such a hero my friend!
  5. you are great
    I am starting
  6. Folarin

    Folarin Fapstronaut

    Thanks guy, I'm glad I could encourage you.
    Napav likes this.
  7. SaFaRi

    SaFaRi Fapstronaut

    that's so helpful
    thank you for sharing and great job
  8. Folarin

    Folarin Fapstronaut

    Never loose sight of what you want to achieve! Thanks!
  9. 100 days, someday i will be there where you are awaiting to cherish the moment.... Congratulations Folarin !!
  10. Azabu

    Azabu Fapstronaut

    i already did 10 months (300 days ) without PMO last year, so it's not exeptionnal. i realpse beacause i was deprimed, and i was not improve my life. Stop porn is not hard after years of trying, ( i tried to stop porn during 2-3 years, for sucess to stop almost one year ) the hardest is what is after, it is only the first step
  11. The first step was stop porn videos. So I have no problem so far. Now I'm going to clean up my mind.
    My bigger problem is to control my erections and stop masturbation.
    I want to reach day 7! It was a hard way until now.
  12. laris

    laris Fapstronaut

    Nice post,bro!
  13. Why started yo NoFap?
  14. Folarin

    Folarin Fapstronaut

    Everyday you maintain your commitment is a day you should cherish and celebrate because that is a battle won! One day at a time!
  15. Folarin

    Folarin Fapstronaut

    Improving your life is a series of steps, just one! Like me, I've stopped PMO, now I realize I have to improve my relationship with people and be more social, another tough step I have to take for someone who is shy like me.
    During my journey to this point, i took on other tasks like going to the gym, dieting and most importantly, working to achieve my dreams. I can't say my like hasn't improved because it has and people have noticed.
    It's tough to break your normal routine but we all have to because these are the things that are making us unhappy.
    Like me, I've made pray a new part of my routine and there is nothing God will not do for us if we don't ask.
    Don't give up!!
  16. Folarin

    Folarin Fapstronaut

    Well I think you've arrived, God will see you through another 7!!
  17. Folarin

    Folarin Fapstronaut

    Thanks! The journey continues!!