Post published by Determined Dude

Does anybody have a habit of chanting any hymns daily? Or are you planning to start any day?
Levitate and Kevoya like this.
Kevoya more_vert
I want to start as soon as I succeed at nofap.
Grow_out_of_it more_vert
Like god names? I sometimes say hare krishna hare rama but it's been just a week
Determined Dude more_vert
Determined Dude
I mean hymns like Hanuman chalisa. I am trying to make it in to a habit, so that it can help me with nofap.
Kevoya more_vert
You can do mantras, names of God, strotams, prayers, or hymns. Meditation also helps. Be careful to avoid the offenses when chanting the Hare Krishna Maha mantra.
Brahmachari in service more_vert
Brahmachari in service
I'll tell you my experience. May vary as per your Karma. I know a Mahamantra passed down generations, Hanuman Chalisa and the Hare Krishna mahamantra(not initiated). I was a badly addicted to wasting my vitality around 8-9 years ago and by God's grace I started chanting the Hare Krishna mantra and it did a 180 degree flip in my life. I became a Brahmachari for 2 years before relapsing. So whenever you find time between activities I feel the Hare Krishna mantra is great. When you have a little time to concentrate - chant Hanuman Chalisa and when you have more time, take up any other mantra
Brahmachari in service more_vert
Brahmachari in service
@Kevoya what are the offenses. Can you please tell in detail. Need to check if I'm making any mistakes