Why you shouldn’t masturbate from now on

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by peter9797, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    I used to take a day off while the wife worked and the kid at school to indulge lol.
  2. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

    This definitely came through Google Translate at some point.

    Agree with someone above: no scientific evidence of anything on this list. :/
    spillmill and Aaron_0 like this.
  3. Aaron_0

    Aaron_0 Fapstronaut

    Dude. Exactly.

    I have the same problem with programming. The difference is you technically can talk to people about programming, they just will neither understand nor care.

    I wasn't constantly on a porn binge, like it sounds like you were, but when I would binge, I had the same feeling. I'd be in social situations and just have porn on the brain, and you almost want to bring it up, but then it's like, "What? CANNOT DO!"
    volt2187 likes this.
  4. Aaron_0

    Aaron_0 Fapstronaut

    Oh, and the worst was that I would binge on playboy videos, where they often have interviews with the girls they are shooting -- in a way it's good because it kind of humanizes them... like, a little (very little)... but when you watch them, you start to feel like you know them, and in your head, they are your friends or some weird crap. It's like "oh, I wonder how ol' [insert pornstar name here] is doing?"

    Instead of thinking about people in your life that actually matter. But that can happen with binge-watching normal shows, too. It's screwed up. Binging any kind of fantasy can really mess with your head.
    Deleted Account and Dr. J like this.
  5. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    LIke at the strip joint, all the girls say that they don't do drugs and that they do it to pay their University tuition fees. LOL
    Dr. J and Golgo 13 like this.
  6. Dr. J

    Dr. J Fapstronaut

    This site had absolutely nothing to add the the original posters claims . . . nothing. It had a couple of studies about "decrease of testosterone" . . . OK, nothing about blindness, dry eyes, growth loss, insanity, loss of zinc or any other crazy ass old wives tales. Masturbation is normal period. . . . we're all here because we made it abnormal through excess and pornography use, and obsession. That's the problem, if we're honest, we can recover. If we deal in nonsense, then we fail.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. This thing you are experiencing right now from the poor health,urinary problems, weak memory ..everything i think it all comes under a term that is called "Sexual exhaustion". Look it up. This is not a term i coined. Its something i found on the internet after extensive looking around when i myself started suffering from a lot of the problems you mentioned above and sought an explanation. The problem is there all kinds of dubious and doctors and companies trying to take advantage of desperate guys suffering from it by selling their products.
    The truth is it exists and it is hell. I started experiencing all these things around 2011 end and am still struggling. It gets worse with time.
    The problem is medical science doesn't recognize it and there are all kind of studies that come every so often telling the benefits of fap. It's a big mess.

    I am thinking of making a request to Gary Wilson to look into it. He's done great work with porn and that created the awareness of its harmful effects. I'm thinking of putting together some stuff such as testimonies of people who are suffering from these problems along with any facts and theories i can find..its a long shot and i dont think he will listen but i will make the best pitch to him i can make. Something needs to be done about this.
  8. Obviously most of the OP's arguments are exaggerated or false. However, masturbation is something that should indeed be avoided. Just because it's "normal", that doesn't mean it's OK. The fact that many people do it doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. It is healthier not to masturbate.
  9. I'm speechless :eek: didn't know M had this many consequences... Thanks for the heads up, This has also motivated me. Thanks!
  10. Dr. J

    Dr. J Fapstronaut

    Except none of them are true. There's psychological consequences, but no physical ones. It's not good to spread lies on the internet, even to be helpful.
    spillmill likes this.
  11. Again, most of the OP's arguments are exaggerated or false, but what do you mean, "there's no physical consequences"? Anyone who has fapped who has the power of observation (myself included) should be able to tell that one is less energetic after fapping. Also, I've read that semen is a substance that, if retained, is recycled into the body like micronutrients.

    There are indeed physical consequences, and yes, how big the consequences are is dependent on how often you do it. You say that simply masturbating is only bad if done to excess. I believe that any at all is excess.
  12. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Now that I don't masturbate, all the hair that was growing on my palms has gone away. For that reason you shouldn't masturbate. Oh, and I forgot to say that my vision has returned to 20/20.
  13. Dr. J

    Dr. J Fapstronaut

    There are exactly the same physical consequences to fapping as their are to sex. You're body doesn't know what the Hell you're doing. It's just releasing semen. I had some girlfriends I could have sex with 4 or 5 times a night, and was happy to do it. I was tired for 20 - 30 minutes, then I felt fine. But you're right, anything done to excess is not good.
  14. Dr. J

    Dr. J Fapstronaut

    I quit squawking like a chicken and when I quit I was 5'9" . . . now I'm 6' . . . I had to buy all new pants! :eek:
    nomo likes this.
  15. Sir Cranksalot

    Sir Cranksalot Fapstronaut

    This seems rather like scare tactics from the 1800s. I doubt that most of it's true. I've been beating it regularly from 13-20 (thanks for nothing to all those chicks in school who thought they were too hot for me) and on and off since then due to dry spells and boredom. Still, I'm not short, I don't have brittle bones or bad teeth, my vision is not too much worse off than when I was a little kid, and so forth. I'm not saying it doesn't have ill effects when in excess, but not all these.
    Dr. J likes this.
  16. conquere

    conquere Guest

    and now come with a big lst of solutions
  17. Max55555m2

    Max55555m2 Fapstronaut

    Amazing thanks for your information
  18. Sakhi

    Sakhi Fapstronaut

    Better see the website
  19. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    I quit masturbating and i can now fly!
  20. Sakhi

    Sakhi Fapstronaut

    See the link bellow once. Moing is harmful