The Jedi Temple (open)

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Marcus Aurelius, Aug 25, 2019.

  1. Dovahkin101

    Dovahkin101 Fapstronaut

  2. Dovahkin101

    Dovahkin101 Fapstronaut


    LLOYYD Fapstronaut

    Day 4 - Youngling

    Journal entry "This message is awaiting moderator approval, and is invisible to normal visitors." I wonder why.

    One more piece to complete Project# 3 JEDI KNIGHT and Angel. (If they were present). Should I pull the trigger get my last piece next week or just wait to save up more? Still paying other things but I think it is possible regardless. What do you think fellow Jedis? So I pull the trigger and buy it?? *I just say yes*
    Hm ok lol.

    I am still saving but it is almost there! Very close!

    Fight the side

    Jedi out

    Last edited: Apr 18, 2024
    Lou Bloom likes this.

    LLOYYD Fapstronaut

    Day 5 - Youngling

    Day 5 Journal entry "This message is awaiting moderator approval, and is invisible to normal visitors." Again.

    Jedi out
    upload_2024-4-19_21-37-50.gif upload_2024-4-19_21-37-55.gif upload_2024-4-19_21-37-58.gif upload_2024-4-19_21-38-2.gif upload_2024-4-19_21-38-6.gif upload_2024-4-19_21-38-9.gif upload_2024-4-19_21-38-13.gif upload_2024-4-19_21-38-17.gif upload_2024-4-19_21-38-20.gif upload_2024-4-19_21-38-24.gif
    Dovahkin101 and Lou Bloom like this.

    LLOYYD Fapstronaut

    Day 6 - Youngling
    upload_2024-4-19_23-13-39.gif upload_2024-4-19_23-13-46.gif [​IMG][​IMG]
    Lou Bloom likes this.
  6. Dovahkin101

    Dovahkin101 Fapstronaut

    I've heard of a similar saying. Something like in your darkest moments the light that remains is what you can trust to be true. It's much more obvious what is better in life when we suffer.
    Lou Bloom likes this.
  7. Dovahkin101

    Dovahkin101 Fapstronaut

  8. Absolutely, mate. It’s during our toughest times that we truly appreciate the brightness of hope, kindness, and resilience. When everything else fades away, what endures is often what holds the most significance in our lives. It's through adversity that we gain clarity about what truly matters and find the strength to pursue it. Stay strong, Jedis. :)
    -Angel-, LLOYYD and Dovahkin101 like this.

    LLOYYD Fapstronaut

    Day 7 - Padawan

    Jedi out
    upload_2024-4-21_1-34-10.jpeg upload_2024-4-21_1-34-16.gif upload_2024-4-21_1-34-21.gif [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    Lou Bloom, -Angel- and Dovahkin101 like this.
  10. Dovahkin101

    Dovahkin101 Fapstronaut

  11. -Negan-

    -Negan- Fapstronaut

    Youngling: 1/6
    LLOYYD and Lou Bloom like this.
  12. -Negan-

    -Negan- Fapstronaut

    Youngling: 2/6
    LLOYYD and Lou Bloom like this.
  13. LLOYYD

    LLOYYD Fapstronaut

    Day 8 - Padawan

    Angel. is back! Welcome friend.

    I will pretend JEDI KNIGHT is here regardless. Project# 3 is to happen now! I have all the pieces and few is coming soon. One very soon and another well in the end of week. Not sure if I really need that one but it will help for sure. It will solidify it. I was going to hold on to the working on it. I guess I will have to wait another time for me to let's upgrade. I was going to postpone the working on it due to having extra funds and opportunity/purchasing power to get more parts to get the "full experience" that I never had with Project# 2. But you know, I will experience it later since I have an opportunity later. For Project #2 (Already completed as I said here), well it just needs a few more things to actually work but all in all it works. But I shifted my funds to Project #3 as I said to the fellow Jedi friends and finally I get go on and complete it! So it will in the process now :emoji_smile:

    For my NoFap journey, for sure it will help as I said fellow Jedis. It is with a purpose the same way with Project # 2. Just having been using it sometimes but not often because the lack of components to actually make it fully work. Not sure how significant it will help with both of them but definitely it will help. More or less help to me. Depending how I use it.

    Project # 3 feels like unlimited :emoji_laughing:
    in a sense but it really is better than Project #2 for sure though lol:emoji_smiley:
    That's all

    Fight the dark side

    Jedi out
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    Dovahkin101, -Angel- and Lou Bloom like this.
  14. -Negan-

    -Negan- Fapstronaut

  15. Dovahkin101

    Dovahkin101 Fapstronaut

  16. Dovahkin101

    Dovahkin101 Fapstronaut

    I'm getting into a good groove with my piano goals right now despite relapsing. Yesterday I made the decision to get back into doing piano lessons as well rather than just learning on my own. Having a teacher to go to each week will help me to keep on the straight and narrow with my goals to be focused. Working towards the exams again has given me a feeling of purpose again like it did in the past.
    Lou Bloom and -Angel- like this.
  17. -Negan-

    -Negan- Fapstronaut

    Youngling: 4/6
    LLOYYD and Lou Bloom like this.
  18. -Negan-

    -Negan- Fapstronaut