Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by TemporaryUsername3892, Jul 14, 2015.

  1. TemporaryUsername3892

    TemporaryUsername3892 Fapstronaut

    Probably the most important mental preparation we can do to stay motivated to successfully break free of the porn addiction is to take full responsibility for our own recovery. It’s very difficult to stay motivated if you believe you are quitting for someone else, or because you’ve been pressured into the decision and don’t feel you are in control of your choice. When this is the case, bitterness and resentment will come between you and success & may lead to failure

    While other people can be important in providing encouragement and support, when it comes to breaking an emotional and physical attachment to porn, we need to make it happen ourself. Trust me , “One day, pornography is not gonna come up to you and fucking say, Look, it’s okay if you don’t want to use me anymore". Change has to start from within. It’s up to you to make it happen.You have to tell yourself, I’m not gonna have to do this anymore. One day I will change to the point where I won’t ever use porn anymore.”


    Taking responsibility involves developing new skills so that you can be your own coach, quarterback, referee, and cheering section for your recovery.You are in charge of coming up with the plan, executing the maneuvers, setting and following the rules, picking yourself up, and trying something new when you encounter setbacks, and rewarding yourself for your successes.

    In order to become the leader of your own battle plan to quit porn, one of the best strategies is to start by making a list of successes you have had in overcoming other difficult challenges in our life. Everyone has encountered tough times, whether giving up a bad habit, dealing with a chronic illness or injury, or facing financial difficulties and other hardships. As a result, we all develop unique strategies that have a high likelihood of working for us when we have to tackle new problems. Some people talk things out with their friends or professionals, others prefer to handle a problem on their own.I share everything with my best friend & it helped me a lot through out my journey . Some like to experiment with different approaches until something works, while others create a plan and stick to it no matter what. Simply reviewing your own successes can reassure you that, although change can be stressful and challenging, you have been successful at facing up to it in the past.

    I find that we can assume more responsibility for quitting porn simply by changing our mental “self-talk.”When we notice our self telling things like, “I have to use porn,” “I have no control over it,” or “I’ll never make it,” they quickly counter the thoughts with more positive statements, such as, “I can do anything I set my mind to do,” “I know where to get the help I need,” or “I’ve made big changes in the past and I can do it again.”

    The truth is you can’t climb uphill thinking downhill thoughts. As simple as it sounds, changing the words we repeat over and over to ourself every day can change how motivated we feel during our recovery. Whether through words, thoughts, or actions, the more we are able to take control of our own recovery, the more we will feel empowered and in control of our life.


    “PMO recovery is not about having a simple formula for quitting porn, It’s about making a commitment ,You have to be determined and resolute, and take responsibility for yourself. You have to get clear on what you want and insist on right behavior for yourself. When you’re not committed, there’s nothing else in your mind to counter longings for porn. Being determined means at that very moment when you think about porn, you take control over your own experience and fight it.”


    “If in your heart you really want to fucking quit porn, do it. By taking just the first step toward a porn-free life, you start the chain of events that will eventually allow you to quit for good. But it’s not gonna start unless you start it yourself.”