Starting to run soon

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by The Consigliere, Aug 9, 2018.

  1. The Consigliere

    The Consigliere Fapstronaut

    So in the next week, I plan on starting a new habit. And that's running. I'm at a really low point mentally and even with some of the cool things I'm doing in life right now, I feel like something's missing.

    I can push all the positive mental mindset stuff into my mind, but obviously, it's not enough. So I think it's time to push myself. It's been a really long time since I've done that. And there's no greater thing to face than oneself, so I'm going to commit to it.

    I'm going to get a pair of running shoes in the following days and either run daily or every other day. I haven't figured that out yet, but if you all want to leave any tips, that'd be much appreciated.

    I'm not sure where this is going to take me. If this is going to help me get out of the negative mindset I'm in and feel a lot better about myself or stop PMO, but it's worth a try, right?

    Oh and this is my first time back on the forums in a long time, so I think I'm going to stick around and just surround myself with others who are out to improve themselves and hold myself accountable at the same time.
    Clean Plate likes this.
  2. Johantaal

    Johantaal Fapstronaut

    I highly recommend reading "Born to run" by Christopher McDougall. Everything you need to know about running is in there. Good luck to you!
  3. The Consigliere

    The Consigliere Fapstronaut

    Thanks. Noted.
  4. Clean Plate

    Clean Plate Fapstronaut

    I just finished working out. Man do I feel like a million dollars! Like I could take on the world even!!!! Do it man! I suggest running over 30 min or intense running. The rush at the end makes you feel like you earned it by working hard. Its awesome!
    The Consigliere likes this.
  5. The Consigliere

    The Consigliere Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I want to start out doing at least 30 minutes at work from there increasing my pace and overall improving my running overtime. I'm excited to get into running along with the challenges I'll surely come across.
    Clean Plate likes this.
  6. Jason_Tesla_19

    Jason_Tesla_19 Fapstronaut

    Running is a high-impact activity, so take it slowly! You can get all sorts of overuse injuries, like shin splints, or worse, if you're not careful. Do run/walk intervals at first, and slowly increase the proportion of running to walking.
    The Consigliere likes this.
  7. The Consigliere

    The Consigliere Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the tip! Noted.
  8. lucentio

    lucentio Fapstronaut

    I ran track (high hurdles) in college and coached high school hurdlers for 15 years. My advice: Take it easy. Do not try to push too hard too soon. Do exercises to prevent shin splints. You can find them on YouTube. Do some cross training. See if you can find someone to work out with. Take a long-term view. During each workout do the least amount of training that will improve your physical condition. I would give different advice if you were a competitive athlete training for an upcoming competition. The risk of injury is higher when you push to the max and you do not need that since you have no deadlines to meet.

    Most of all, enjoy yourself and have fun!

    I quit running and changed to cycling when I hit my 40's because it was getting too hard on my joints and not fun any more. This morning I cycled for an hour, did some pushups, jumped rope and hit the heavy bag, all before 9:00 AM. Not bad for an old geezer!