Spent 18 years watching porn & masturbating

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by hunteelar2000, Dec 12, 2018.

  1. hunteelar2000

    hunteelar2000 Fapstronaut

    I'm new to this society ...
    Spent 18 years watching porn and masturbating ! Did that since i was 11 and now i'm about to finish 29 , yesterday i was watching porn until my brother called me to push my dad's car (battery needed replacement) .... after that i got so tired and was about to faint (i was also sick due to soar throat) until my brother brought me snickers , my dad saw me and he was really worried about me :( , but feel ok now .
    For this i have decided to completely stop watching porn and masturbating , i want get back healthy and this moment will be the starting .
  2. hunteelar2000

    hunteelar2000 Fapstronaut

  3. Dudes_manrod

    Dudes_manrod Fapstronaut

    If only EVERY snickers commercial also contained a brief NoFap Public Service Announcement..

    Alas until then I'll be the first to say welcome to the "society"!

    Let us know more about what's motivating you to make this decision. It would seem that even if it came somewhat spur of the moment you had most likely heard about NoFap before if you're already posting here. How did you hear about this site? Have you attempted quitting PMO in the past?