Semen Retention is bullshit, emissions are inevitable

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by MONSTER MONK, Mar 14, 2019.


    MONSTER MONK Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    My Stance here:
    • Abstaining from immorality definitely contributes to spiritual growth.
    • The spiritual growth is felt as a state of well-being.
    • Abstinence improves hormonal balance, and thus improves functioning.
    • Worshipping semen as the source of magical powers is BS. Semen Retention does not grant you godhood.
    • Sabotaging parts of your life for the sole reason of achieving retention is detrimental. ( examples include, reducing your sleep hours, using chastity cages at night, or any other crazy ideas you have in your head that revolve around your preciousss)
    What I've Learnt?
    • The frequency of emission is related to both your body and your subconscious mind. And your desire to get off or not.
    • Ironically, ways to actually retain your Semen.

    Semen Retention is bullshit

    Put simply, it is the idea that holding in your fluids for an extended period of time will grant you amazing benefits.
    Now there are two sides of this claim.
    1. from Spiritual Perspective
    2. From Scientific Perspective
    Spiritual Perspective
    This will cite old Hindu/Buddhist belief about semen being your life force and retaining it to achieve a God like state. Now when you remind the people that the same old Hindu traditions also encourage drinking cow piss for benefits and curing diseases (still practiced in India) they are not too pleased.
    This was probably introduced in these cultures to prevent a group from having offsprings to avoid the division of land or power etc. And we have a fairly good understanding of biology now to know that there's nothing magical about it.
    Scientific Perspective
    this argues that semen possess nutrients and compounds that are lost, and if retained will be re absorbed and provide benefits.
    These levels are so minute that they may cause problems if you ejaculate too frequently, but retaining indefinitely will certainly not provide magical powers.
    Semen cannot be retained indefinitely
    The fluids are built up and eventually need to be released. This will mostly take place in the form of Wet dreams /Nocturnal emissions. But lack of sleep or other reasons may delay nocturnal emissions from happening.

    In case of absence of nocturnal emissions, frequent urination will take place and the fluids will start leaking during or after urination (along with a weird sensation similar to pee shivers).
    Edit : You can differentiate between the feeling of needing to pee and the feeling of needing to leak fluids, latter being more viscous when flowing. It can still be stopped by squeezing the pc muscle.
    I suppose it may get reabsorbed if you continue to prevent its exit.
    Or you might get a nocturnal emission soon (more data needed)

    Also prolonged Retention will lead to blue balls like feeling of uncomfort, heavy Balls in general.
    Edit : only true if you're still dwelling on PMO thoughts and haven't freed your mind.
    This is from my personal experiences

    Edit : After a 3 years streak I can say semen retention is only possible if you go all in and rid your mind of any sexual thoughts and abstaining from watching triggering content by choice. Then you will retain. And you can retain indefinitely without emissions. But if you entertain the need , and disturb the balance, then your body will respond subconsciously and bring balance by wet dreams/ night emissions. Be completely Asexual.

    A track of nocturnal emissions during my hardmode journey /No PMO (here's some data perhaps p sites can harvest lol)
    Streak 1
    1st on Day 10
    2nd on Day 14
    3rd on Day 30
    4th on Day 50
    5th on Day 57
    6th on Day 58
    7th on Day 60
    8th on Day 62
    9th on Day 67
    10th on Day 72
    11th on Day 81
    12th on Day 87 (twice in a night)
    13th on Day 94
    14th on Day 101
    15th on Day 109
    16th on Day 121
    17th on Day 134

    Streak 2
    1st on Day 6
    2nd on Day 37
    3rd on Day 39

    Streak 3 (3rd time's the charm)
    1st on Day 36
    2nd on Day 74
    3rd on Day 81
    4th on day 92
    5th on Day 93 Doh!
    6th on Day 107
    7th on Day 110
    8th on Day 139
    9th on Day 169
    10th on Day 183
    11th on Day 229
    12th on Day 253 (stopped halfway with PC muscle squeeze)
    12th Part II on Day 254 (I think the rest cleared out next day, no WD)
    13th on Day 269 (slight wetness, pc squeeze)
    14th on Day 311
    1 YEAR STREAK (14)
    15th on Day 371
    16th on Day 391
    17th on Day 399
    18th on Day 411
    19th on Day 413
    20th on Day 472
    How to minimise nocturnal emissions?
    • Dont sleep right after eating.
    • Don't fantasise
    • Don't expose your subconscious to triggering content
    • Don't wear tight clothing during sleep
    • Stick to a routine, don't oversleep
    • Don't do kegels before sleep
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2023
  2. I completely agree with you. And I also experienced it. Thanks for your insight.
  3. I agree aswell that nocturnal emissions are okay, if it doesn't cause post-problems. As it should be natural. Body releases if it have to release.

    But well, i'm on day 113, not even close to nocturnal emissions. Almost never having sexual dreams. Though nocturnal emissions won't even need them if body has need to release.

    What comes to "magical powers". Wasn't it hindu's kundalini which arises through chakras which is pose to give some benefits? Retaining semen was just a tool to encourage the kundalini.
  4. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I remember reading a thread about how nocturnal emissions are bad and that they can be stopped entirely if you know how to do it. I posted a reply asking how, and I never got a response from anyone in the thread.

    That told me all I needed to know about that subset of the community, it just seems like mumbo jumbo to me.
  5. Never had a nocturnal release.. max 62 days tho.. I dont bother. Important to me is how I feel, and I feel better without PMO and thats it.

    O with a girl is not bad. But sets me back. But I will not really say no to a girl... I have way too little sex encounters to turn that option down really.
  6. "bullshit this, bullshit that!"

    Wow I got enlightened by your astonishing arguments.

    MONSTER MONK Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    You're welcome
  8. Capt. U

    Capt. U Fapstronaut

    I see your point.

    One of the things that I do find fascinating in terms of semen retention is that it is known that some proffesional boxers and mma fighters will abstain from sex/orgasm before fights.

    So I guess, it works to a degree, kind of like fasting.
  9. It works short term at least. Your testosterone levels will spike in cca 7 to 10 day range... than it settles to a normal levels. If u know when exactly is YOUR max, than planning a match to that time window will get u a noticeable boost, its a form of natural doping :) I feel it everytime I reset with a girl.. for me its cca 10 days since last orgasm.
  10. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

    the problem is not the wet dream itself, when you are asleep you are not conscious, you are like a dead man, the problem is SLEEP, when I'm awake I don't have a single sexual thought, during the night you are not in control of your mind at all, and you have to face all the past impressions of previous porn/sex/masturbation/ and sexual activity during previous lives, many yogis and gnanis, just achieve the sleepless state and the problem is solved, also the prostatic liquid has to change, if you have a sexual dream you lose ojas, if you don't you don't lose any energy. When I'm awake and take a pee, periodically the prostatic liquid comes out.

    But I believe eventually you should have no excretion, assuming you are perfect, but in order to be perfect a great deal of penance has to be done, food, sleep, sex, attachments and many many more, I don't know anyone in real life that has been able to do this, just one gnani that existed 200 years ago

    And yes, the sperm has nutrients that get reabsorbed into the body, you will need to eat way less if you are perfect, if you eat alot you will fall asleep, and you see how it is a vicious cycle.

    Also OP, clearly you haven't gotten that far in this, no offense, but if you are very good at continence both physical and especially mental, you will see great results, no it's not bullshit I'm sorry.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2019
  11. apprentice

    apprentice Fapstronaut

    Just because it's centuries old, doesn't make it invalid. If anything, it shows that men throughout the ages have been documenting benefits from practising it and it's not some 21st century bro-science fad.

    MONSTER MONK Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    The same ancient hindu beliefs also encourage drinking cow piss as a solution for many problems and means to obtain great benefits. Maybe try that too?
  13. Davidphd1866

    Davidphd1866 Fapstronaut

    Interesting thread. To me there is little doubt that retaining semen is helpful. I also feel the wet dream to be a natural occurrence that ought not be feared.

    As an aside, I wonder about myself: I haven't had one in over 25 years. Perhaps I haven't retained long enough?

    My urologist says that wet dream intervals are a good guide to how often one should ejaculate. If one doesn't disrupt the cycle by artificial stimulation, then the time elapsed between two wet dreams gives a decent indicator of ejaculation intervals for an individual. Upon explaining to him that I don't have wet dreams, he replied that my body does not need to ejaculate.
    Bryce97, JeanMarc, Rakete and 3 others like this.
  14. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    You know nothing, I am 140 days into this and the other day I lifted a car just be looking at it and after that an army of supermodels started fighting over me.

    I don't believe in it either.
  15. Aquablue

    Aquablue Fapstronaut

    The problem is that people here are trying to believe or disbelieve notions or practices they have no clue about and no experience with. If you have not gone through the process of sexual transmutation fully (or equally have and miserably failed) then you have no right to discredit it with a blanket rule. Equally those who have not experienced it should not be proponents unless they have personal experience of it. When Einstein talked about his theories, almost nobody understood him. It was not "logical" to most people, and notions like 'time does not exist' were completely whacky and non-sensical. It's only those who subsequently had the intelligence and stamina to go through the process of understanding what it was about who really got it, and now it is the standard and accepted truth. Remember you can always know if something exists, but never that something does not exist. The latter is known as ignorance as a result of lack of experience of the idea in question. Let's stop discrediting things beyond your understanding or experience just because it is not in your reality.
  16. luskos

    luskos Fapstronaut

    What is the problem with retention? You fuck but you don't cum! You stop when you feel like it.
  17. Fenston999

    Fenston999 Fapstronaut

    What's your point? not everyone had the best advice from any time. It's not like every single Hindu practioner was drinking cow urine. There are people nowadays that drink their own urine and claim health benefits. It's some backwards health fad called Urotherapy. Doesn't mean it's actually good for you just cause it's a 21 century health recommendation.
  18. Taking it to an extreme and trying to avoid wet dreams at any cost - that might be bullshit.

    But calling any attempt at semen retention bullshit is also bullshit.

    My natural rate of wet dreams probably works out as once every forty days or so. That's fine in my opinion.

    Maybe if someone is having wet dreams every couple of days, I can see how that might get annoying. I'm guessing the rate would slow down over time and with being more strict about avoiding fantasising, P-subs and so on.
    Bryce97, npc444, Davidphd1866 and 2 others like this.

    MONSTER MONK Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    I've made this post after reading threads like using a cage on your ding dong at night to avoid wet dreams etc etc.
    All I'm proposing is let nature do its work