NoFap is ruining my life.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by GROXES, Aug 7, 2020.

  1. Envoy-ofthe-End

    Envoy-ofthe-End Fapstronaut

    Wrong I've tried even hard drugs and if you've seen threads here, which by your comments you have NOT then I can honestly say PMO is a hard drug with no overdose. At least with cocaine I can think, hey if I go too far I'll fry my brain. NOT with pmo buddy.
  2. I've never tried drugs so I'm curious to know which addiction you think is easier to quit and which one do you find most pleasureful. Is the "O" a better high than you'd get from the drugs? Is it the one that gives a better high that is, consequently, harder to quit? Or is there some other addictive factor which comes into the equation beyond this?
  3. I think what makes PMO such a bad addiction is the compulsive factor. It's immediately avaliable, all you need is your hand and a private space (not even that, in some cases...). Hard drugs are often illegal and require going out of your way to get them. Of course, that also means that once you fall down that hole, it's harder to climb out of it since you'll be alienated, homeless, etc.

    I don't think there's any merit in saying one addiction is worse than the other, though.
    k3muthomi likes this.
  4. RollerCoaster

    RollerCoaster Fapstronaut

    I don't think discussing which addiction is the worse is useful at all.
    khabastos likes this.
  5. Envoy-ofthe-End

    Envoy-ofthe-End Fapstronaut

    The fact is in order to acquire drugs, especially harder drugs you must face certain dangers since they are illegal. So in order to obtain pleasure you must face risk and in most countries pay a hefty price. Porn requires non of this and your body releases almost the same amount of chemicals like dopamine that simulates the effects of drugs without no risk. Your alone, and the internet... no risk for pleasure, just your self destruction.
  6. @Envoy-ofthe-End @RollerCoaster @khabastos

    Please don't get me wrong--I have no intention of ever using drugs or alcohol. I well understand that there are other complicating factors--but I'm only interested in the actual brain chemistry involved. I've just heard from some that "love" is the hardest addiction to quit, and I'm curious if that is really true. I had always thought certain drugs, like crack, were supposed to be about the hardest thing to quit--but I consider myself ignorant in this not having any personal experience with any kind of drug use. I currently have several friends who are fighting addiction to alcohol, and I myself recently conquered the addiction to orgasm (sex). I would like to know if my friends' addiction is reasonably similar to my own, or if theirs is more difficult to quit than was mine. If a substance abuse is no harder to quit than sex is, I think I will know better how to help them.
  7. RollerCoaster

    RollerCoaster Fapstronaut

    A lot of drugs certainly have more severe physical withdrawal symptoms
  8. Envoy-ofthe-End

    Envoy-ofthe-End Fapstronaut

    Every person has different brain chemistry... you have to take into account background, etc. There are studies that suggest that an addicts brain has similar composition no matter the addiction. The only way to overcome an addiction is for the person to take the first step and admit that what they are actively doing is bad for them and to seek help. IF the person instead defends their addiction, like many that I know of, there is no hope for them because they love their death sentence.

    The hardest drug to quit is the one that the person has more attachment to. In my case my first addiction was porn, so that is what my brain feels most at "home" with and most craves. I can smoke weed for a year and stop for a month and not feel anything. I can do 4 lines of coke in 1 night and not do anymore for a couple years... while other people just can´t stop doing crack or coke but they brush off porn like its nothing. Cigarrette smoking is another bad addiction that also gets massively overshadowed...

    If their is a WILL, there is always a way...
  9. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    It is possible to do a drug like cocaine once and die. It's unlikely but possible. Either way I wasn't commenting on the addictive nature of the substance rather it's long term effects. No matter how far down the rabbit hole you fall with PMO you'll live and can change. That isn't necessarily the case with drugs and alcohol. And saying you've done cocaine doesn't change that fact.

    I also have tried a few different types of hard drugs before (although not cocaine). I have had several friends going in and out of rehab for drug addiction. People looking like zombies cause they have taken too much. That can last the whole day. Someone can watch hours of porn but when it is done, it is done. Being high, you got to deal with it until the effects have gone away. Even if you have watched porn at work (which regrettably I have done) you can get right back to work afterwards. If you drink or do drugs at work it will effect your performance. That wasn't my original reason why I was saying drugs are worse than PMO addiction but as far as I can tell there are a lot of reasons.

    PMO addiction is serious. But most people can fully recover from it. To be honest, I think even gambling addiction could be worse. There is a financial risk involved in it that causes so many out there to go broke. Very few porn addicts actually spend a dollar on porn.

    Anyways I hope you don't do drugs anymore. And I hope we all stop watching porn. Like I said, PMO addiction is serious and should be treated seriously. At least we can agree on that.
  10. Envoy-ofthe-End

    Envoy-ofthe-End Fapstronaut

    While you may not feel the serious effects of PMO instantly like weed for example: it does affect you both phsycological and physically. PMO removes and drains you of manhood, turning men into beta males whom kiss up to women and become needy. This drug called PMO makes men into ackward social outcasts, scared of being judged by both men and women, devoid of human love and contact replacing it with love for pixels, brain fog, slow, incompetent, feminine... the list is so long I can go on all day. I've been high as fuck and I kid you not sometimes I was even more clever or more decisive. I'm not defending drugs, I'm just saying they're all on the same level.

    What we can all come to conclusion with is that addictions MUST be eliminated to have the best outcome in life possible.
    TimeToQuitNow likes this.
  11. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    Those are some good points my friend. I still think drug addiction is worse. But thinking back, I was probably underselling the negative effects of PMO addiction. There have been so many time where I watch a lot of porn and become submissive around women. I even would consciously do it cause it turned me on.

    This conversation is making me think of making a thread/poll about this subject. I want to see what the community at large thinks. All the best.