NOFAP day 21

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Alijub, Aug 14, 2018.

  1. Alijub

    Alijub Fapstronaut

    NOFAP day 21

    I had a really rough day yesterday. Depression is out. But I was having very hard time with horniness. To be frankly honest, I was close to failing. Very close......

    The reason:

    The reason was vague initially. But after taking some time to think about it, I found that there was a clear reason for it.

    I went too far thinking about my wife and our reunion. The sexual part of the reunion. I would spend an hour sleeping on my stomach, and fantasizing about it. Thinking about details. Obviously, in the normal situation and for someone who’s not addicted, it’s a noble thing to do. But in my case, No, that really can end up fueling the fire and ending the streak.

    What did I do to stop the edging:

    Oh god that’s a hard question to think about now. I think at that moment, you just have to stop no matter what. For me the issue has been always that I have to take the decision to do so. So I would continue edging until I get to the point of extreme ecstasy, and at that point I took the decision to stop. That was motivated by the presence of my partner in the challenge. Also the challenge. I am willing to feel like shit over stopping this journey. I kill fapping or it kills me.

    So really the problem is that I was putting myself into these bad situations.

    What did I do to restart and end that mentality:

    I had a good conversation with my partner about what had been going. I told her that I had to sort of restart the mentality. She was very supportive and it was amazing. Today I started pretty strong. I renewed the commitment of not taking any electronic devices with me to the bathroom.