New here, looking for other Furries with addictions.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Solwolf45, Jul 25, 2018.

  1. Solwolf45

    Solwolf45 New Fapstronaut

    Hello all! I'm new here, and I've been dealing with my addiction to strictly Furry porn for a while now. It has gotten to the point where my SO and I are just not even able to interact sexually because I'm so out of touch with how to be with another person. I've already accepted that I'm not ashamed of the fact that it's the porn I like, but I am ashamed of the fact that I can't put it down and I can't interact with my partner because it's "easier or more sexual" to use the furry porn or the fantasies in my head to masturbate. Im sure that comes from those fantasies being my deepest desires, and it's frustrating to be addicted to something that can't actually be played out in the bedroom either, which seems to cause more tension between us. I digress, I am glad to be here, and am hoping to curb and stop my addiction to this porn, and would appreciate talking to other Furries who have this issue alongside me and can help me on my tough days, and so I can help them!
  2. Welcome at our community @Solwolf45. I have a gf too so I can understand you. Just read the threads, there are some about rebooting in a relationship. Keep strong, you can do this :)