My Relapse Manifesto:

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by SunDrew, Jan 22, 2016.

  1. SunDrew

    SunDrew Fapstronaut

    My Relapse Manifesto:

    Everyday I will take a cold shower no matter what. Why should I take a cold shower? Because it is self discipline. Cold showers help keep my mental strength up. It helps me in every day tasks like not checking my smartphone at EVERY available second of downtime. Cold showers are mental exercise and I can use all the mental exercise I can get.

    Everyday I will meditate and read something inspiring. This can be something from any spiritual text or some kind of quote from a self improvement book. Meditating IS mental exercise. I need to send my mind to the gym and build it up. We are nothing without a strong mind. Has there ever been a weak minded successful person?

    I WILL not masturbate. I do not masturbate anymore. Fapping is not a necessary for anything in life and is a short term pleasure that causes long term pain. Will fapping make me successful? No, of course not. Have you ever heard of a person owing their success to fapping? Think about how ridiculous that this sounds.

    I will make a choice. I will NOT allow my urges to control me. This is the only way we give up control in life. When we allow our urges to control us, we are just letting ourselves float around in chaos. Become free, make a choice. Giving up control and allowing our urges to control us is the lowest form of choice that we have.

    This is only temporary. It will pass. Remember Memento mori. Every single urge we have is like a log flowing down a creek. It WILL eventually pass. Nothing in this world lasts forever. Even the pain of our life will eventually subside. It all ends eventually. It will be over before I know it. Memento mori is latin for "remember you will die." This might seem bleak but it is also liberating. None of the choices we will make will last forever, they could last a lifetime but a lifetime isn't forever. If I have the opportunity to make a change, why wait? I'm not going to live forever.

    If I have an urge, I will go to my heirs first and reread this manifesto. After that, I will meditate. This process is key for me. This process is simple and there is not rationalizing. I will go through this EVERY TIME I have an urge now.

    I define myself as a strong man, who doesn't fall under the negatives society has brought us. I follow my own path. If others wish to join allow them. The path can be taken alone if necessary but is always greater with company.