Movies about Addiction

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by janu11, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. janu11

    janu11 Fapstronaut

    I like watching movies. There is something about the ability of a moving picture to impress upon the senses with its visuals and dialogues that other mediums lack, perhaps because they are less comprehensive. Since the invention of talking pictures by Mr. Edison a little more than a century ago, man and state alike have understood it's potential to strongly influence thought, with Hollywood and Bollywood dominating popular discourse and films being used as pawns of propaganda on the chess board of state control.

    So when I began for the 4th time my latest attempt to conquer my demons through NoFap with greater enthusiasm, I also began searching for movies about addiction. Viewing these personalised stories of success after failure and of individual development, gives me hope and gives me a greater, larger perspective into the length of the problem in the number of people they affect, telling me I'm not alone in this battle, and the depth of it, the emotional episodes of highs and lows that I can relate to that are depicted on the character's journey to betterment.

    Mind you, this post is not for the easily triggered, for there is hyper sexualized imagery that is involved, and if you feel you're on edge and seeing it may lead you to your downfall, but if you are confident that you can abstain and realise that those are the parts of the movie from which our strongest learnings must come, in terms of the ill-effects of these activities and the low points they are in the character's life that prompt him or her to seek to get better, than here is a list of movies you should watch, from imdb.

    I'd add 'Thanks for Sharing' and 'Don Juan' to this list as something specific for NoFappers. If you know any other movies that we should watch, please do reply with them

    Cheers and Stay Strong As Ever