Is this a common experience?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by hold152, Dec 29, 2018.

Have you experienced this before?

Poll closed Jan 12, 2019.
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  2. No

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  1. hold152

    hold152 Fapstronaut

    So I am getting near to the 4 week mark for the second time in my life and I am noticing some interesting improvements.

    This past week I was having some strong urges for M and was struggling with thoughts that were dirty but I have made a conscious effort to overcome this addiction so I started actively resisting these urges instead of just giving in to them. Usually this issue is a problem for me when it is warm and in the shower. But this time I resisted these urges and did not give in.

    Then last night when I was feeling tired I noticed that my normal strong urges are starting to go away! So I guess it is because my spirit and determination to improve are getting stronger? Has anyone else ever experienced this sort of thing before? Is this pretty common? What else can I expect in the next few weeks and months?
  2. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    I think it's part of the common ups and downs of the reboot process - be careful, you'll still get stronger urges later on. Good luck!
    Buddhabro and hold152 like this.
  3. hold152

    hold152 Fapstronaut

    Thanks, I will definitely keep that in mind then
  4. It's lots to do with habit. We all need to form new habits when dealing with different things in life. Instead of giving in and turning to PMO, you're resisting, that's great! Keep going. Remember, you might stumble as you keep up the battle but learn from the stumbles what habits you need to form in order to resist the next time.
    Jefe Rojo and hold152 like this.
  5. hold152

    hold152 Fapstronaut

    Yeah that's it exactly, just making a conscious effort to really resist and overcome this addiction. I notice you have gone on this streak for a long time now. What exactly did you do to reach 100+ days??
  6. Djam-23

    Djam-23 Fapstronaut

    Men.. your mind can be your friend or your enemy, you need to learn to control the instincts so that they make decisions for you, instead you must take the decisions consciously although a part of your mind tells you to leave it
  7. It wasn’t easy. 2018 was all about getting PMO out of my life. January to August was full of relapses. Then end of August something finally clicked off in me.

    It’s kinda misleading to over simplify it all but basically I worked on filling my time doing things more healthy than PMO and developed a hatred towards porn. There’s more but I don’t to go on and on unless others are interested. I can PM more if people want to hear more.
    Jefe Rojo and Djam-23 like this.
  8. Djam-23

    Djam-23 Fapstronaut

    I spend almost the same as you!, I started 2018 and I was almost 3 months clean, then I relayed and stayed like this until the end of the year, then I try to start 2019 and leave the pmo for a year but relapse on January 1, I can not believe it, now I need strength to get up again because I already lost the motivation of the new year!
  9. Feel free to PM me and I can give more detail if you’d like.
    Djam-23 likes this.
  10. Djam-23

    Djam-23 Fapstronaut

    Of course, at this moment that I feel so bad, anything can help me, I appreciate it!
  11. Okay I’ll send you a message.
    Djam-23 likes this.
  12. Message sent. Long but hope it’s helpful.
    Djam-23 likes this.