I think I'm Addicted

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by BlackKnight, Jun 8, 2016.

  1. BlackKnight

    BlackKnight Fapstronaut

    For the last couple months I've been binging on porn like never before. I would wake up and masturbate to porn be fore and after my shower. When I got to school after a couple hours, I'd go to the bathroom and masturbate. When I got home I'd jerk off at least twice before I went to sleep. Now that summer's started I've upped the ante with every couple of hours masturbating. As of today I've already masturbated twice and I can't seem to stop. I'm 17 for crying out loud, I dont want PIED or any of those other malfunctions. I need some srious help and since I don't trust anyone I don't know what to do
  2. You can do this. Keep reading others threads and trying. There is a lot of support here and you help others with your experience. You help me remember I don't want to go back to a life of PMO.
  3. Holmy

    Holmy Fapstronaut

    COME ON, U CAN DO THIS! CHECK NOFAP exp Sharing videos at youtube! when you wanna go for Porn, go youtube search nofap instead! try this first!!
  4. Each ejaculaion has 1,500 terabytes of DNA information on it. If that isn't enough to stop you I don't know what else is.

    You can do this.
  5. volt2187

    volt2187 Guest

    @swordrain, I was in your same shoes when I was 17, but it was dealing with my weight, not pmo at the time. After 3 years of letting my weight hold me back from having a social life in school I vowed during the summer between junior and senior year to finally get off my ass and lose the weight. Dropped 40lbs (still don't know how, I literally just stopped eating as much junk food and randomly walked and ran), and my senior year was amazing, so much I was so dissappointed when the year ended and I graduated. The "weight" on my shoulders was no longer there and I had so much fun that senior year.

    If you feel in any way the pmo addiction is holding you back from having a better social life at school, the time is NOW to fix it. I have one more year of college left and like in highschool I am using this summer to better myself as much as I can so the upcoming year will be EPIC! Stay strong and know that life is too short to be wasted jerking it off to pixels on a screen that offer you no love back.
  6. BlackKnight

    BlackKnight Fapstronaut

    I'm trying to gain 20 pounds of muscle
  7. volt2187

    volt2187 Guest

    Perfect man! Use this summer to start doing that! Educate yourself on what to do and how you can go about it. Having things to accomplish and keep you busy and motivated help so much with quitting pmo. If you're busy with stuff you won't have time, or the desire to pmo.