How to deal with loneliness?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Mantryingtowin, Apr 25, 2018.

  1. Mantryingtowin

    Mantryingtowin New Fapstronaut

    lonliness is my number 1 trigger to watching pornography. Any ideas what to do when you feel lonely at night with no friends available at the moment?
  2. lion188

    lion188 Fapstronaut

    Hi, mate
    It's summer time ;) go hang out , ride a bicycle , hang gout with one of your best friend , do something you really really like , try new hobbies ,go out your confort zone , go travel some where ( if you can ) , read books i mean the books that inspire you very well , you can do small summer's job you gone avoid loneliness and win some money you can save , tell one of your best friend to plan a period with all your activities you like to do and avoid the toxics one
    See ya ;)
  3. Just recognizing that loneliness is trigger and a great accomplishment. Give yourself credit for getting to that point. A lot of people say that idle time is a dangerous. But I've modified my opinion in that it's what we are feeling when we are idle that triggers us. So I would agree with @lion188 suggests in that you find ANYTHING to do when you have those moments.

    That being said, I do also believe that you should take SOME time to actually embrace feeling lonely. Healthy people experience emotions that feel like shit all the time and they just deal with them. So take some solace in the fact that you recognize that you are lonely and not self-medicating by using porn to numb those feelings. Feeling bad is a good thing sometimes.
    Aklaborer and lion188 like this.
  4. Aklaborer

    Aklaborer Fapstronaut

    I recently started putting together a 750 piece jigsaw puzzle. Boy, I swear this picture (the puzzle!) is a great rewarding instrument. There's nothing more I like than putting four or five pieces together in a one day stretch. At that rate it will probably take me two months. My current rate is 2 to 3 pieces SOME days. lol But seriously it takes patience to find the pieces. And you need a strategy too depending on the picture. Mine has a lot of similar colors so pretty challenging, difficult, stuff. But boy, do I experience an accomplishment feeling when I put them together.

    The reason i started this puzzle is I heard dopamine are fired off putting puzzles together. And for me, yeah, I'm one of those people.

    Good luck man on your endeavors. Try to stay strong. Download the Nofap app. It helped me when I was new to this community. I don't use it much, but still have it as a reminder.
  5. Mantryingtowin

    Mantryingtowin New Fapstronaut

    I can't thank you enough for your care to answer guys. I will try to use all what you said
    lion188 likes this.
  6. Committed2change

    Committed2change Fapstronaut

    Watch the new Batman Ninja movie or Batman Gotham by Gaslight movie and realize that of you"re 45 and can still enjoy cartoons you're a pretty decent human being lol ...joke.

    The answers above are on track. The key is finding something you enjoy doing and do it when the loneliness trigger hits.

    There is a good YouTube video I forget which one that made a good point. It said in modern society there is to much instant gratification and we've lost a little of the hunter gather mentality that was neccassary for survival. Now with things like porn or fast food it is far to easy to get a quick dopaine fix /hit.

    During my reboot I try to approach my day to day activities almost like a I'm a caveman on an a daily quest. This approach helps me mentally a little delay my gratification a little but like all of us I am definitely a worm in progress.

    Hope any of the above helps and good luck during your reboot.
    FX-05 likes this.
  7. Committed2change

    Committed2change Fapstronaut


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