How many people that went 180+ days have porn blockers?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by llortaton, May 8, 2019.

  1. llortaton

    llortaton Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Do all of you guys that went 180+ days have porn blockers?
    Was just wondering, because porn is the only reason I masturbate. I repeat, the ONLY reason I masturbate!
    control your life and Hank Pym like this.
  2. IDabbleInPoetry

    IDabbleInPoetry Fapstronaut

    I find with stuff like that there is always away around it. I mean I ain't no 180+ day person, not by a long long shot, but you might find success in just altering your environment, storing your devices in a different room at night, or something similar.
    control your life likes this.
  3. llortaton

    llortaton Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Hmm... interesting. I'll think about that.
    control your life likes this.
  4. llortaton

    llortaton Fapstronaut

    My Journal
  5. Hank Pym

    Hank Pym Fapstronaut

    Me too

    I don't think p blocker will block all the triggers in my phone. And there is always another way to watch the p. So I installed the porn blocker in my brain instead!
  6. delete social media, and stop lying to yourself.

    You fap because you want to fap, not because you watch porn. Yo ain't so serious about nofap which is why you lose. It is not an addiction, it is an obsession which you purposefully choose to do it.

    I have done nofap for about 2 months and I promise you even if you show me porn, I just think it is disgusting and still will not masturbate.
    (before when I saw porn I will definitely fap, but now I am dead serious because this shlt is ruining my life)
  7. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut

    If you have an Iphone or ipad you can block completely porn
  8. Seamless122

    Seamless122 Fapstronaut

    i never used them tbh
  9. Music Man

    Music Man Fapstronaut

    I never used one, but I did make other changes to make porn harder to get. For instance, I had a rule that I would only access porn via a virtual machine to keep my computer clean of it (fear of it popping up at the wrong time was a big concern). I deleted that VM. Of course I could just make another one, but the effort required is enough to function as a blocker of sorts. I agree with @IDabbleInPoetry. Altering your environment can be very helpful.
    kropo82 and control your life like this.
  10. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    I'm on more than 180 days but I didn't use a blocker.
  11. Reborn_

    Reborn_ Fapstronaut

    A while back, I only owned a kindle and a laptop. I would bring my kindle into my room to use as an alarm, and leave my laptop in another room. Having the kindle at my fingertips in my bedroom caused me to fap. So I made a 12 digit PIN on my kindle and saved it onto my laptop. I couldn't unlock my kindle unless I got up, turned on my laptop, and got the code....Which I never did.
    Since then, I have pretty much broken my porn addiction and only have the masturbation addiction.