Hey Fellas

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by HopefulChristian, Jan 23, 2017.

  1. I hate to say this "offtopic" but I guess it kind of is. As a woman, and member of NoFap there is something on my mind. Are all women M to by a male they know or seen before? If we are going off the assumption that all women are beautiful in some extent to somebody (obviously there will be exceptions - I mean overall good proportions and no obvious/distracting disfigurements) then it is likely, right? The thought of someone I know (even someone I may find attractive) M to me makes me squeamish but I do the same! (I mean I don't M to their pictures but it still) so that makes me quite the hypocrite :( How would you feel knowing a girl was M to you? Male M is so accepted but hardly anyone thinks of female M. I would assume it's a bit of an ego boost because a lot of guys like to say they would be flattered to be approached first by a girl but obviously they are very different things.
    牢不可破 likes this.
  2. Deadlihood

    Deadlihood Fapstronaut

    Old me: I'd be like, "Fuck yeah."

    New me: I would be disappointed, because I hate masturbation (and porn, of course!) with a passion!
    Detraks and HopefulChristian like this.
  3. Mankrik

    Mankrik Fapstronaut

    I dont think it matters since the person is not directly impacted. However after implementing nofap in my life I think women masturbating to men or vice versa is not a good idea, but better than using porn. I think the best course of action is to really love someone before engaging in any type of sexual release. However such an option is quite extreme and I dont hold it against anyone, male or female, who fantisizes about someone they are sexually attracted while pleasuring themself so long as it is healthy and in moderation.
    Fatsodubmo and HopefulChristian like this.
  4. But that's the thing, what is "healthy"?
  5. Healthy being it doesnt consume your life and/or imped you from your normal day life.

    if it isnt hurting anyone who cares.

    Before p i would m to the thought of ppl i found attractive but since i found my current partner she is the only one i want to have thoughts for.
    HopefulChristian and Mankrik like this.
  6. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    This really isn't worth worrying over.
  7. Honestly If a girl told me that I'd be turned on :oops:
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  8. I've been on both sides of this with someone I've cared about and all I will say is Ming to fantasies of your SO/crush basically boils down to you bonding with a distorted image of that person. When I didn't know better I was turned on by it but later after seeing what it does and its selfishness, I will never do it again or want my SO to do it.

    When we fantasize the circumstances, scenarios, and outcomes are always perfect. No ones had a masturbation fantasy where the sex was bad, awkward, etc so therefore our fantasy partner will always measure up "better" than our actual partner in real life who might have had a bad day, be sick, or just not in the mood for sex so you decide to cuddle instead of have sex. How many times during a Ming fantasy did you not reach the point of Oing because your partner in your fantasy said they weren't feeling it today? My guess is probably never.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2017
    Fatsodubmo and HopefulChristian like this.
  9. When I fantasize sex is just one component. I'm influenced by a lot of things and like to think of the bad parts of the relationship too. That being said, if I'm deliberating thinking of someone to O, yeah probably gonna make them follow through :oops:
    That's a really good point, thank you.
    牢不可破 likes this.
  10. Really good topic ;)

    Yes, I am quite sure this would be true. :oops:
    Honestly, I would find this quite sexy. I actually used to fantasise about a girl I like fantasising about having sex with me while she M'd, while I M'd. :oops: @牢不可破 made a really good point about this being a distorted image. However now that I am rebooted, to think that a girl would masturbate to fantasies of me (even if I really like her), is a bit weird. It would mean that they see me as somewhat of a sexual object, which I do not really like. (Ha ha ha so hypocritical.) Furthermore it would mean that they are struggling to control a compulsive habit and may be cloaked by shame, which sucks. If I could say 'hey I forgive you but cut it out' to them, that'd be great.

    If two people that mutually like each other don't control their lustful fantasies about each other, there will be a big barrier called shame which will seriously impinge on their efforts of actually getting to know each other. I know this because I experience it right now. Even though I am almost half a year masturbation free, it is difficult to dispel the thought that I am a dishonourable pervert who does not deserve to be loved by the girl I sexually objectified and secretly, unconsentingly dirtied. :oops: :(

    It is strange that I feel this way about myself, but still think it's a bit hot if she were doing the same with me. More and more though, I am getting over this shame and restoring to myself a sense of honour.
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  11. We are complicated creatures. I can tell you're British with that unnecessary u, mate :D

    And alright maybe you were a dirty pervert but you've changed your ways and when you better yourself you are deserving of the good things that come. So don't sweat it. I'm glad you are starting to feel better about yourself. I have to disagree with lusting dirtying someone. That word in itself implies lesser value and that only can be determined by the individual. Lust is a self-problem, not a their-problem (I'm not saying you said that, I'm just offering a different perspective). Your girl never changed in awesomeness - you just view her with a purer heart now. ;)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    Man, if a gal m'd to me I would have to recommend that she put on a Burka.:p
  13. Strength And Light

    Strength And Light Fapstronaut

    I have absolutely M'd to women I have known in my life. However, it should be noted that it's not really "her" that I'm M'ing to - it's a fantasy of her. It's not like I would think of her exactly as I know her, working on her TPS reports or drinking her Starbucks and talking about last night's Walking Dead - it's more like I'd M to the fantasy of her being so turned on by me that we'd be doing all sorts of wild things. If you think of it that way, anytime you M you are really just M'ing to a fantasy of your own concoction. With that said, I would still feel really good knowing a female M'd to the thought of me. :rolleyes:
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  14. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    I think this is just about sexual attraction. Of course if I am attracted to a certain female and she felt the same about me, that's a positive thing if we're just solely talking about physical attraction. Obviously that's only one albeit it an important aspect of a relationship.
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  15. Feel the same now babe?

    IT'S A TRAP.
  16. I've already done this and I feel dirty and nasty and guilt and shame because of it. I regret it everyday. My mind tortures me with the reminder of how sick a pervert I was.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2017
  17. Forgive yourself
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. I try. Oh how I try.
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  19. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    What the heck, I thought nofap was not a dating site.:D
  20. Neither did I! God is a mysterious Creator!

    1st NoFap love story <333