Great to be here after a lifetime of struggle

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by GChristian33, Apr 23, 2018.

  1. GChristian33

    GChristian33 New Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone

    I'e heard for nofap for the longest time, but I've always told myself I didn't have a problem.
    Porn and masturbation were just a natural way of life. I mean I appreciate beauty, not always sexual either.
    My porn behaviour is generally sporadic, ie binging as I get bored with too much

    Looking back I can see I have been a slave to my body since I was very young and had access to pornography.
    It' only now as I'm getting older 34 that I realise it has robbed me of so much precious time, energy, confidence, vitality, integrity, and mental well being.

    Pornography has affected my ability to have an emotional connection in the past and obviously has programmed me into having sex like I'm on a porn set instead of being intimate.

    I look forward to taking back control, whilst also being realistic and kind to myself along the way.
    I do practice meditation daily and I literally feel the energy build up through my spine when I nofap for a few days

    A lot of the time I PMO just to be able to get a break from my body and mind craving, sometimes just to be able to get to sleep.

    But I realise its all such a waste of vital energy
    I have stated working in my own business and I pray that the energy I cultivate through abstinence can be channeled into creative ventures.

    The longest I have ever gone without is 3 weeks, so I look forward to the challenge, but also fear the mental torment and daily temptation

    Lampard21 likes this.
  2. Welcome. Glad you are here.

    Take some time to read the reboot material (available here => and come up with a plan for what you will do when you are faced with urges. It has good advice, so don't skip it! :)

    Perhaps start writing a journal - if you feel comfortable telling people about happened and what's going on now, you will start to feel accountable to them. You may even inspire others. It's a nice feeling! This will help your recovery.

    Also, try to add something into your life that makes you the kind of person who doesn't engage in PMO. Think about doing:
    Something you enjoy
    Something you're good at
    Something important
    Something for somebody else, without thought of reward (and if you DO get an unintended reward, do something ELSE, perhaps for a different person or group).

    Read the journals of others - we all learn from each other. For example, I received the above good advice from a far more experienced member of the community who shared his knowledge. Don't just stay within your own age group or part of the world. Share your knowledge in a respectful way. Read, learn, apply.

    Look around the forums, get to know people. Everyone is friendly, and will try to support you. We're all in the same boat here. :)

    Be kind to others and others will be kind to you, both here and IRL.

    I wish you a successful reboot.
  3. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Welcome! I'm glad you're here. Keep coming back!