Gonna start a challenge to go 30 days NoFap

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Mar 21, 2018.

  1. It's gonna be hardmode, I just relapsed twice in 24 hours, and I feel like shit. Now I will try my best to reach a solid goal, because my earlier attempts were goal-less. Please wish me luck and give me motivation
    Newbe likes this.
  2. Newbe

    Newbe New Fapstronaut

    I believe in you as I am believing in myself. I have once 40 day streak, about which I amd proud but then i relapsed beacuse i didnt fully understand the core of my problem. Now I'm going day by day and trying my best. I hope you will too. Now its my 16th day, but I started simple: i decided to not masturbate during the weekend, then when this ended with small victory I decided to avoid PMO whole week. 'm very happy beacuse of that. I like to focus on things which can improve me as a person,to have more healthy lifestyle - more reading , doing exercises etc. I'm sure something will work for you. Don't hate yourself for faping but focus on what new this change of behavior will give you. Accept yourself and try to be better little by little :)