Going out to bars etc - what the hell am I doing there?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by R2DToy, Dec 26, 2018.

  1. R2DToy

    R2DToy Fapstronaut

    Hello! Maybe it's me getting older, 33 now, and I have no 'business' being in bars and stuff anymore. I mean like going out from 23:00 until later in the night.

    When I go out, these days I'm like; "What the hell am I doing here?", "Why am I here?".

    Am I just not enjoying it anymore? Why did I used to go out in the first place? I know I always let myself get dragged downtown because I don't want to be home. Maybe I need to get more out of the house throughout the week, and not let my social needs 'pile up' until the end of the week.

    Also, of course, like many men, you go out with hopes to meet a woman. But news flash! I'm not the type, although I feel I might have it in my abilities, to cold approach women. I'm not a pick up artist. I'm way too insecure to cold approach, don't have the confidence or even the willpower to make anything out of it.

    Any of you guys have this same feeling? When you think about it.. the music is always so damn loud that you can't conversate normally. This is extremely annoying. I must.. go out more, but not to bars. But what to do, where to?

    I thank you for reading my post.
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  2. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    I think the same about any place that is not my house.
  3. yosoy111

    yosoy111 Fapstronaut

    Language exchange events, meetups. Check any event on Facebook or meetup dot Com that promises some interaction. Concerts are fine too.
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  4. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Practice making good smalltalk conversation with women sitting at the bar. Then later if you want you can escalate it to pick up. I don't go with the mentality of trying to pick a woman up, I go with the intention of just talking and seeing if the woman I am talking to shares some core values and politics with me.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2018
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  5. I sort of feel the same way, I'm 35. When I was in college in my early twenties, I use to go out to bars every weekend with my friends. I really came to dislike that whole scene and wished me and my friends could have done other things with our time. Then when I started my career, I stopped hanging with those friends and going out to bars. Now that I'm finally, at this age, making an effort to meet women, I've been going out to bars more again. But the drinking and staying out late I really do not like. I have been going to Meetup groups, those are good places to meet women. Otherwise, I think we have to get creative, and try to meet women anywhere and everywhere
  6. All the more reason to go out to bars. I'm not the type is code for I'm scared to talk to women. I've used that excuse before myself. Learning PUA, working on my social skills and forcing myself outside of my comfort zone caused me to grow by leaps and bounds in every area of my life. when you get over the fear of cold approach and social anxiety, you won't be afraid of anything anymore. You become exceedingly comfortable starting a conversation with anyone and you learn to enjoy people on a different level. Youll never be nervous walking into an interview after that. I'm not great myself my my newyears resolution is to go out at least once a week even though I fucking hate it. I'm very influenced by MGTOW, I dont drink anymore and I'm not permiscious. Cold approach is a super useful skill if you want to be sucessful in life.
    Ra's Al Ghul likes this.
  7. I hate clubs, dancefloor, & crowded places in general. But I fux w bars, but I'm 21. I'm not a pickup artist by any means (due to a lack of self confidence - - - new years resolution is to work on confidence tho). But I do like bars where you can drink and actually talk w/o it being loud.

    When I say talk, one of my downfalls is that I don't really chase hoes. I just kinda hang around until a very beautiful, confident one approaches me (it does happen more than you think). Or i just kinda enter into a normal conversation with random girls and joke around w them. It sounds weird, but I do better with girls when first meeting them if it's me vs 2-3 of them rather than 1v1.

    But I only like bars where it's lit, but in the right context. Not sweaty people jumping in a circle, or not waiting 25 mins for a drink and just awkwardly standing around. Honestly, anyplace that plays good music, I'm good in. Music is the one thing that keeps me having a good time vs a bad one.
  8. Are you Nick Di Paolo?
  9. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Not familiar with Nick.
  10. Ever see Louie and/or Horace & Pete? He's the 'conservative' comedian in both of them. Spends time at bars talking about politics. Why am I explaining this...just trust me it would have been funny if you had gotten it.
  11. AUTiger7222

    AUTiger7222 Fapstronaut

    The bar thing just isn't my thing!! It has never been my thing! I barely drink to begin with and being surrounded by a bunch of drunks isn't my idea of a good time. Could also be because of growing up with an abusive drunk for a father and seeing the way he acted and not wanting to be around that type of person either.
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  12. I've noticed that I've been getting hung over very easily now, like only after a few drinks, and the hangovers are worse than they ever used to be. I'm not liking drinking very much anymore
  13. The only time I like going to the bar is on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon when it's quiet. I can just plop down at the bar in front of the tv and watch a ball game. Usually there's a light crowd and it's easy to make conversation with the few people that are there. If your lucky, a group of cute ladies will role in and you've got them all to yourself. Also, you can go home at a decent hour and recover so the next day you wake up feeling fine.
    recon117 and Ra's Al Ghul like this.