fantasizing fetish

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by donuts24, Aug 20, 2018.

  1. donuts24

    donuts24 Fapstronaut


    Its weird, its like some of the porn I look at I try to find those type of girls in real life and reenact what the scene was like. For example, liked watching black porn and find my self trying to hookup with black girls on dating sites.

    Idk, just a thought going through my head and wanted to see if anybody else has like stuff where they have lustful thoughts towards the porn they used to watch.


    Ben Loudermilk
  2. Nothing strange about that, your mind is going to gravitate towards what ever you have been into.
  3. cocobutter

    cocobutter Fapstronaut

    You like what you like. You can't help it.

    In my case, I have a huge foot fetish, and I'm a bit of a masochist; the idea of a girl physically hurting me during sex is a huge turn on. It's always been since before I realized I had a problem with PMO.

    My problem with porn was I was getting into the more and more extreme stuff. That cute girl with the pretty feet wasn't enough for me, I needed to see that pretty girl standing on some guy. Before I knew it, that wasn't enough, and I needed to see that pretty girl standing on the guy with heels digging into his skin. And from there it only got more and more extreme.

    Nothing at all "bad" about specific scenarios that turn you on, it's when the pornography reinforces that whatever that scenario is becomes the ONLY thing that turns you on, that's when it becomes a problem that requires a reboot.