Does nofap reduce T levels?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Dec 6, 2018.

  1. Ive seen that in many forums. They talk about testosterone and ive heard people who workout they tell you to ejaculate everyday because they belive that if they ejaculate they clean the testicles and produce a new semen and that thing make them stronger. and everyone who masturbates watches porn so dont tell me they do it without porn because nobody masturbates without plesure.
    And also many threads of nofap talk about flatline that make them weak and exauhsted and some of them have made a streak of 30,60,90 days and still in flatline or sometimes it hit them on other days.
    And some people who have strong fertility they dont feel the flatline.
    So im curious if nofap can affect my muscle building and energy because my goal is to get full energy and be strong.

    *even at the past people was masturbating with their partners like the drawings in ancient egypt they found a drawing about a man having sex with woman.
  2. I personally think NoFap increases T level.

    I were losing all my hair (PM 2 times per day), now I don't even lose a single. (reduced PM to 1 per week - now on my 6th day Im def. leaving)

    Also Im leaving it because, M makes me feel lazy as a mfker
    IAmLegend likes this.
  3. Number1

    Number1 New Fapstronaut

    That what they are saying on those forums are total BS.. I have also read those forums and i can't believe what kind of information there is going on. There is clearly a very thick myth does NoFap reduce your T-levels or does it increase it. The myth have come to alive from old school boxing gyms were they train they're champion boxers to abstain from any sexual behavior for like couple of weeks before they're big boxing match. There is also information about Muhammad Ali doing NoFap and Mike Tyson didn't have sex at all for like 5 years on his prime, but Mike Tyson abstained that long just because he was too stupid when he was around girls. Also one of the former heavyweight boxer was on celibacy before he got into his big match like couple years ago and he does that on every match that he is going, cant remember he's name though. I can say on my own experience that testosterone is just running in my body when i have been really abstained on any sexual behaviors. Gym goes super good, focus is insane, attraction, confidence is on the roof, i feel people energy, i laugh out loud and be very happy even if i drop my sandwich accidentally on the floor and i'm hungry like a wolf, really nothing bothers me anymore, it just don't and that's the way it is. Different story if i have been lustful or something like that. And these things that are happening as a so called ' superpowers ' are exactly same kind of things that would happen to you if you would shoot testosterone into your veins as an steroid type of thing. Maybe not the attraction and feeling peoples energy, but all the testosterone things are happening to you + the spiritual things if you really are on NoFap.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2018
  4. Yeah that makes sense to me. Also, if you think that, for whatever reason, you need to ejaculate at some point, you can do it with a partner or with your hand. That doesn't mean you need to watch porn. (Not saying that this way would be easy to go)

    Keep sharp!
  5. It increases it. It raises at day 7 to 147% and then declines. So then im thinking is it better to fap once a week on day 7, but a scholar on readit says it leaves the blood and goes (sorry) somewhere else. I need to find that link.

    I can teach you how to increase it through diet and I've seen incredible results but it makes NoFap so much harder. Libido increases, erections get harder and more sensitivity. Beware. Just focus on NoFap and I cant tell you with 100% certainty but test will increase. To say a daily ejaculation is definitely false because you're releasing your testosterone into a tissue, sex however will increase your test so you can have sex to your delight. Me personally after going through 3 modules of the academy I've decided no sex is best for me for 90 days.

    HAHAHA LOL bro, what about that weed you smoking? LOL :)