Does excessive M cause hair loss

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by mrmoist32451, Sep 19, 2017.

  1. mrmoist32451

    mrmoist32451 Fapstronaut

    Around a few months after I got addicted to M, people started to ask me if I was going bald. Whenever it rained or my hair got wet, people would laugh and call me an old man or whatever. This has made me very insecure and I often avoid going out in the rain now. When I managed to string at least 10-15 days of no M together, the comments would stop and I would notice a visible difference in my hair. Recently, I binge fapped and on a windy day after, a friend said I had bald spots. I haven't found much online about this and sources that claim this are not the most credible and are often trying to sell you something through it. Any thoughts?
  2. Andre2807

    Andre2807 Fapstronaut

    Balding is caused by hormones and genetics.

    My grandfather had hair-loss/balding - I followed suit.

    I embraced the change, and went buzz cut + beard.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Eddie307

    Eddie307 Fapstronaut

    Andre is right if you have hair loss gene its inevitable. However i think M and O quickens it. Sperm or semen, which apparently are different, is very healthy stuff. Regular M stop you reaping its benefit because instead readsorbing it(what will the body do if you don't ejaculate for an extended time) you throw it away in the trash or wipe it on you curtain Window. If you have a girl who swallows she reaps the benefits. Luscious hair, radiant skin and all. Let your body reabsorbing that stuff by taking this challenge serious and you will reap the benefits. Luscious hair, radiant skin and all the other stuff, i can't remember.
  4. Eddie307

    Eddie307 Fapstronaut

  5. Albert Anderson

    Albert Anderson Fapstronaut

  6. Eddie307

    Eddie307 Fapstronaut

    Masturbation man, that's the M in PMO(porn, masturbation and orgasm). I think what he means when you M and O a lot.
  7. J4220

    J4220 Fapstronaut

    I've gone bald faster than any of my other known relatives have. I suppose it may be true that it quickens the processes or I just got the short end of the genetic stick.
  8. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    I think it exacerbates it. If you see that it is causing these negative effects, screw what other people say and trust yourself. This is yet another good reason to stop.

    I've read that ejaculation and just vigorously rubbing the penis cause testosterone to convert to DHT. DHT is connected to baldness, and I believe anti-balding meds often have DHT blockers.
  9. Still got all my hair plus baldness doesn't run in my family. I think it's genetics
  10. And it makes your palms hairy, caus s blindness and ca make you impregnate a witch to have a demon baby.

    You're going bald. It causes stress, you jerk off to deal with the stress. But the weights, gain 20 lbs of muscle, get a nice natural tan, shave the head, grow a beard and look like a beast. Nobody will make fun of your bald spot then.
  11. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    ^ IMO from a quick once over that looks like it's a pro-masturbation article.

    This bit here I think gives the impression they are saying sex and wanking increases testosterone which they don't. While it's certainly genetic you don't see many women with hair loss and I doubt many Eunuchs have it. I have however seen women who are excessive steroid users suffer from Baldness.

    Steroids can speed up hair loss and excessive DHT can speed it up as well. This article is being dishonest, IMO. DHT does cause hair loss and it seems likely that having more of it will speed up hair loss. Likely the reason why hair loss treatments have DHT blockers. The article says "production" of DHT while I believe it's actually "conversion". Conversion of testosterone to DHT. Although I'm no biologist.

    Obviously, something that causes your testosterone to convert to DHT at a higher rate is not going to be good for hair loss. If you notice this happening take, note of it you might be correct. It's not a good idea to put religious faith in science much less so-called scientific studies which are more social propaganda than anything.

    Didn't realize the age of OP till I read Righthandmans post. That it is 'alopecia' seems likely although I'm no doctor
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2017
  12. You mentioned that your friend noticed your bald spots. I'm just wondering if this might be alopecia areata. I see that you're only 15 which would be quite young for male pattern baldness. I've had alopecia areata in the past where hair disappeared in patches for about 6 months before growing back. If this is the case for you then it's not PMO and will probably grow back.
    Themadfapper likes this.
  13. mrmoist32451

    mrmoist32451 Fapstronaut

    i started going to the gym a month ago but then I got sick for 3 weeks so i havent made any real progress.
  14. Go back. The gainz takz timz.
  15. TheLoneDanger

    TheLoneDanger Fapstronaut

    I'm 41, was heavy into PMO for over 20 years, and still have my hair. I feel like the PMO hair loss theory is based on coincidence and anecdotal evidence.
  16. Agreed. If masturbation causes hair loss and supposedly also results in "hairy palms," then if we jerked off on our heads the two would cancel each other.

    Now there's an image.
    TheLoneDanger likes this.
  17. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

  18. APC1995

    APC1995 Fapstronaut

    I think mrMoist32451 is right bcz hairs and nails are basically made of protein. At the end of Masturbation one lose most of the protein in sperm. This protein must be utilized by our body in important functions. Studies reveal that the non ejaculated sperm get reabsorbed by body and again body start making sperm and store them in testes. Therefore if one masturbate he will lose main component of hairs may effect your hair health.

    hope helpful.
  19. valjeanshamba

    valjeanshamba Fapstronaut

    I will quite agree with this theory. I am 26 years old, i have been masturbating for 6 years. In the last 3 years, i became losing hair. I have almost no hair in the center of my head. I don't know if quitting masturbation would help. What i noticed is that my hair became thinner and thinner. I think there are hormones secreted heavily when you masturbate à combined with genetics the prob becomes worse.